Bedroomies - Episode 7
by Chris Marie Green
Jenna curls up on a hotel bed and finally checks all the texts Adam has been sending.
I saw you dodge into the elevator. WTH?
Let’s just meet at the café down the block. Neutral territory. Ok?
Three minutes pass.
Jen, where the hell are you?
She exhales, knowing she can’t keep hiding.
I’ve checked into a hotel.
Come back. You said you couldn’t face me, but I didn’t think you’d actually run away.
I’LL check in somewhere else. This is your apartment, not mine.
No. Things have gotten way too serious. I need to sort my crap out and get some perspective.
After you move to LA, we’ll talk.
It’s not like I’ve been looking to get personal with a man anyway.
Work gives me all the fulfillment I need.
Even Jenna winces at that lame excuse.
Now that is some prime bullshit.
Are those the speaking points of your defense mechanism?
Speaking points? Are we in the midst of an interview?
That wasn’t actually my point.
You know what? If an interview is the only way we can communicate, then let’s do it.
Tell me, Little Miss Work Is All the Fulfillment I Need…
Care to comment on your relationship with that toy I found?
Not funny.
Not trying to be.
I’m pointing out that you clearly need more than work to satisfy you.
So we’re playing it this way? Okay.
Little Miss Work’s relationship with that toy began after she discovered that guys suck.
She also came to the conclusion that dealing with them took too much energy.
Kind of like the energy she’s exerting now.
She tosses the phone to the mattress.
That didn’t feel as good as she hoped it would.
Damn him.
She picks the phone back up.
All right. There’s actually another reason for my toy and the defense mechanisms.
I’m listening.
Relationships are tough for Little Miss Work.
She hasn’t put much effort into having one since…
Since you met that dashing kid you tutored in college?
I hear he ruined you for anyone else.
Her throat tightens.
That kid used to be so easy to talk to.
What changed that?
She squeezes her eyes shut.
Courage seeps out of her second by second.
Are you afraid to get too close to him now for some reason?
Little Miss Work has ended the interview.
Don’t do this, Jen.
I’m getting the feeling that you use your job and all your nerdy things as shields.
That you hide behind all your geeky fandoms to avoid relationships.
Wrong and wrong.
Am I?
You like to think you know so much about me, but you don’t.
Well then let me tell you something I DO know.
I’m in my room and it looks like someone’s been in my bed.
Jenna swallows heavily.
It makes me wonder if there was some non-work related fulfillment going on.
It also makes me wish you were still in that bed now.
Are we really starting this up again?
I told you…if you want to play, Jen, I’ll play.
Whatever it takes to break through to you.
Maybe you should even give me equal time in YOUR bed while you’re AWOL.
She gasps, thinking of his tie and the sexy pics she tossed into her room before running away.
Stay out of my room, Adam!
You know what? I’m just going to lay it out for you.
Ever since we reconnected, I haven’t been able to think of anyone but you.
You really have no clue about how I felt about you in college.
Jenna’s world starts to spin.
You fantasized about my anime tee shirts. Big deal.
Jen…the first time I saw you in the library, it was like a giant fist pounded me into the ground.
There you were in your geek ponytails, a Princess Leia shirt, and a pleated skirt.
I didn’t know anyone else who was so unafraid to show the world who she was.
And THEN you decided that I was one big defense mechanism.
No, not back then.
Jenna’s hands are trembling while holding the phone.
That night, I did start to wonder if you might be putting on an adorable act.
All the girls I met were good at that, but you turned out to be different.
You joked that I was a clone who blended into the Imperial ranks—
That’s what you called the rest of the frat boys.
It was hilarious, and it shocked the crap out of me.
Because I’d never been called out like that before.
I should’ve kept my mouth shut.
Then I brought you that Stormtrooper eraser to show I was in on the joke.
That’s when you started looking at ME differently.
She can’t swallow away the lump in her throat now.
By graduation time, I knew what I felt for you was real.
I thought you might feel the same, but you just said a chipper farewell to me on that last night.
So I told myself I was being an idiot, that I’d imagined something between us.
I really had no clue, Adam.
Her heart is aching so badly that she presses her hand over it.
But it still hurts.
You make solving this situation sound so easy. But here’s the thing.
You’re always saying what a sweet nerd I am.
What if I wasn’t that way at all?
What? A nerd?
As the seconds crawl by, she stares at the phone screen.
But you have a sweet nature. You even smell sweet, like flowers.
All I want to do is bury my face in your hair and smell your skin.
Your lingerie even smells sweet…
She jumps to her feet, knowing where this is going.
Lingerie…the drawers in her bedroom…the tie and pictures on the floor…
Don’t go in my room.
Already opening the door…
Jenna waits for a full minute, but there’s no answer.
Another taut minute passes, and Jenna’s heart is exploding with fear.
Jen, what am I seeing on your floor?