Brain Trust
by Katherine Gleason
Hey, Ben, did your mom tell you, it’s important that I pick you up promptly just as soon as school’s out?
no. really?
You need to be ready to go. Promptly. You’ll be ready?
YES. 4 sure.
Thanks for agreeing to stop by the lab before your tutoring!
i wanna see your experiment!
Wait, aren’t you supposed to be in class?
we got done early.
So, you’re free now? I’ll skip my errands and hurry over. My professor is so excited to taste your blood.
I mean test. Test your blood!
Ha ha. That sounded weird.
He’s been wanting to test your blood for a while.
you sure your prof is not a vampire or something?
Funny! He’s eager to meet you.
you keep saying that. sounds creepy!
I hold a scientific view. I don’t pay attention to superstitions.
You know I love science.
Why are you out of class so early?
old johnson dismissed us.
Mr. Johnson.
Yes, Miss Patel. I will call him Mr. Johnson.
Whoa, traffic is suddenly horrible.
It’s fire engines, ambulance, police.
an accident
They’re heading to your school.
I hear them. LOUD! like the end of the world!
What’s happened?
Little mishap.
At your school?
Yup. Here.
Is that why you’re out early?
Did something happen in Mr. Johnson’s class?
Crazy here. Kids running all over.
Were you part of this accident?
Kind of.
Kind of? You mean you were.
It’s not a big deal.
What did you do?
Broke something.
What did you break?
A petri dish.
Were you horsing around? Mr. Johnson must have been furious.
He was pretty mad.
And I bet he gave everyone in the class a failing grade for the day.
He did!
You broke a petri dish—that’s all? No one was hurt?
It’s fine. Really.
But clumsy! If you want to study science, you gotta watch yourself. No goofing around. And no dropping stuff.
I know.
You really have to work on your clumsiness.
I KNOW. You keep telling me.
You okay?
You’re always hungry.
Wow, police and EMTs are blocking the road. You sure no one was hurt?
My classmates got a little over excited.
Was there something in the petri dish?
A culture. Just a little bacteria.
Nothing dangerous.
The EMTs say we’re fine. And I feel super strong and great!
I need to get you to the professor.
So he can suck my blood.
ok. i was thinking that’s the best way out.
That way I can avoid the emergency vehicles.
No prob. I’ll run over.
Are you sure you’re okay?
Yeah. Really hungry.
But that’s normal.
For you it’s normal.
What do you want?
Joke. ;-0
Wow, it’s like totally deserted here.
Where are you?
Just pulled into the cemetery parking lot.
Can you drive up the hill? Closer to school.
Sure. By the obelisk?
I’m at the obelisk. Hurry. I don’t want to be late.
I had to run. One sec.
I can’t keep the professor waiting.
DANG. I swear I just saw Mr. Johnson run by.
chased by a bunch of kids?
Yes! What is going on?????
Kids gone nuts. Running, screaming. Toppling over headstones.
They are really crazed!!! Hurry and get in the car so we can get out of here.
Hang on.
Ben, let’s go.
Are you scared?
No. Are you?
I’m hungry.
Why would I be scared?
Just cause you’re so smart and all.
I’m gonna make a dash.
Are they chasing you?
Can you drive up to the big mausoleum? I’m hiding there.
Why are they chasing you?
Mad at me!
Because of their grades?
I’ll be there in two secs. It’s hard to see through the tree. Looks like crowd of kids is headed to the mausoleum.
Yeah. Wait.
I think they just ran past me.
I hate that you kids are so focused on grades. It should be about learning and the experience of discovery.
If I have any smarts, I got them from you.
Thanks. That’s sweet.
Really. My brain is nothing compared to yours.
I’m blushing.
I mean your brain! It’s like huge! Ginormous!
Full of facts and figures and tasty bits of info.
Wow, I’m going to get a swelled head! But, hey, can you stop texting and hop in the car?
Hang on.
You know what? Actually, I am scared. Intimidated. They’re really mad at me.
Grade grubbing makes me so mad.
I know. Could you come inside the mausoleum and get me?
Oh, Ben! Okay.
It’s so dark in here. I can’t see anything.
Wait for your eyes to adjust.
What’s that sound?
I don’t hear anything.
Like moaning. A bunch of people moaning.
Where are you?
There’s someone else here. Come out where I can see you.
We see you, we smell your brains.
Enough with the stupid jokes, okay?
Sorry. :-(
I’m really sorry.
What for?
You’ve helped me develop my brain. You’re really so much smarter than me.
Why are you bringing this up again?
My friends and I are hungry. Hungry for YOUR brain.