Can't Be Friends
by Nina Moritz
hey, you sleeping?
just wanted to chat...
I thought you didn’t wanna chat with me?
I didn’t say that! I want us to stay friends...
I don’t really believe exes can be friends...
well, we can try.
what r u up to?
I’m in my bed, was watching a show. parents are out of town.
a few weeks ago, that would’ve been an invite...
yeah, sorry..
gotta finish an essay, brb
a little bit later
you there?
it’s been 30 mins..
yeah I’m back.
what are u up to now?
nm, just watching sports.
it’s raining so much...
are we talking about the weather now?
LOL no - it’s scary that’s all. lots of noises.
come on, rain is not scary...I like the rain.
I know you do...I feel like it’s leaking inside the house though.
go check the windows, maybe you forgot to close one.
OMG Greg!
GreG! Jbxwkw
there’s footsteps from my living room window to inside the house!
good one!
I swear! I can’t talk, there’s someone inside, please call the police.
R U serious?
ok calling them!!
I’m freaking out.
it’s ok, I have the police on the line.
what do I do? come over, please!
what can I do if there’s like a dangerous person in your house?
are u for real?
I’m so scared...please
why don’t you call your new bf?
that’s so mean, do u realize how serious this is?
I’m sorry, it’s just weird.
he’s not picking up. PLEASE!!!
r u making this up to have me come over?
u think I would make u call the police?
ok ok, sorry. where are you?
in my room.
did you lock the door?
can you hear anything? I’m on my way btw.
no, there’s like no sound.
and thx for coming
maybe it’s just a burglary, turn off you light. they won’t notice.
or he, idk.
ok I turned off the light. come fast.
yea, be there asap
this is a fucking nightmare...
don’t worry. I’m going as fast as I can.
OMG, Greg!!
I’m not kidding they’re playing my favorite song like on the speakers.
music started, super loud in the house.
what song is it?
Ed Sheeran, Don’t.
I’ve been listening to it all day for the past month or something.
don’t know it. that’s so weird. ok don’t freak out, I’m almost there.
that means they’re looking for me! they know me.
no look, they might have accidentally turned the music on...just don’t panic, the police will be there any minute.
I can’t breathe.
it’s ok. I’m almost there too.
idk what to do.
is the song still playing?
no, it stopped, it’s silent now...
ok, go to your bathroom.
what? why?
see if you can open the window and escape from there.
right ok.
sry, there’s blood on my window!!!!!!
WHAAAT? what r u talking about?!!
I don’t feel well.
my name is written in blood too!! WTF
message send failure
wait - are you getting my texts??
it’s ok. go back to your room. close all the doors. I’m almost there.
why is there blood?
are you alone in the house?
yes, there’s no one else.
the rain is making it so hard to see anything and I’m texting and driving, not good at all.
there is someone in my house, and blood on my window!
was it a big hand?
the blood print?
idk, kind of...
what did you say was written?
Wait, I thought you didn't get my text
How Would you know something is written?
what’s happening?
I told you I don’t think exes can be friends.
to quote your favorite song “Don’t fuck with my love"
where are you? what is going on
turn around darlin
Stefanie Vargas was found murdered in her own home on February 13th, 2015.
The suspect, Greg Polanski, is still missing.