Dead To Rights - Episode 1
by Catherine Dale
Tia. I need your help.
What? Who is this? Where did you get this phone?
I need you to help me.
Help you? I don’t even know who you are.
Hello? Who is this?
It’s Kieran.
Tia, Please.
What the hell? I just blocked you! How are you still texting me?
Tia. It’s me. Your brother. Your twin.
This is disgusting. Leave me alone!
This is hard for me. It's all — confusing.
But I'm finally getting through. It’s working.
I can't believe this. Whoever you are, this isn’t funny.
It's sick, and cruel, and if you have any conscience at all you'll STOP. NOW.
It’s really me, Tia.
No. It's NOT. You're not my brother because my brother is DEAD.
What kind of monster are you?
I don’t know, exactly. I’m trying to figure that out.
Two minutes later.
Don’t be a hamster-brain, Tia.
No! Don’t do that!
Kieran must have told somebody about that nickname.
Or do you know us? Maybe you heard us saying it to each other.
God, that makes this even sicker!
So ask me something. What would only Kieran know about?
Fine. What did we bury under the big cedar tree in the back yard?
Trick question.
We buried the plastic airplane you melted.
But we buried it under the birch, not the cedar.
It’s me, Tia. I swear.
But…Kieran? I’m crying so hard I can’t see the screen!
Where are you? Why haven’t you contacted us before this?
The police told us…they said there was no way you could be alive!
They said there was too much blood.
God, Kieran, WHERE ARE YOU?
OMG, I need to tell Mom and Dad!
No! Not yet.
Why not? What’s going on?
It’s just…the police weren’t wrong, T.
They weren’t wrong about what?
About how much blood there was. About what that meant.
What are you saying?
I did die.
And I need you to find my body.
Two minutes later.
I know it's a lot to accept.
I'm not sure how long this will work for, T.
Something's pulling at me…
I don't know how to explain it, but it's getting harder for me to…to remember.
Remember who I am. No, that's not right.
It's harder to…I don't know. To think clearly.
I feel like I'm losing all my thoughts and just having emotions.
How are you doing this? WHY are you doing this?
You can feel the truth, T, can't you?
Do you want more twin proof from me?
Okay. You're smart. At least as good at math and science as I am.
As I was.
But you always wanted to be one of the giggly girls so you covered it up.
So that's proof two ways, T.
One — it shows I know you.
And two — you're smart enough to know
That a cell phone doesn't work with the battery pulled out and sitting on the desk.
How did you know —
Now you're looking around for hidden cameras.
Now you're running.
Shit, I hate seeing you scared like this.
Where are you going?
Okay, you're outside. Yeah, that's good.
You're going to the old birch tree.
Remember how we used to scare each other, trying to climb higher than we should?
And we'd peel the bark off the branches and make forts for your —
Okay, twin-talk is honest-talk — for OUR dolls?
When I think about stuff like that, I'm okay.
When I'm talking to you, and thinking about the good times, I'm still me.
But, Tia, other times…I get so MAD. And I feel like I can't control it.
Like there's darkness inside me,
And it's stretching out and it's finding other darkness,
I don't know from where.
And I feel like if it goes too far I'll just melt into all the dark and be part of it.
I think you can help me.
Tia staggers against the birch tree.
She leans into it as if trying to use its strength to hold herself up.
She takes three deep, shaky breaths, then lifts up her phone.
Yeah. It's me. I promise.
Where are you?
I'm kind of — the spirit part of me, at least — I'm with you. Just behind you.
No. I can move.
Like, the other night when you and Scotty Cade went upstairs at Tori's?
Trust me, I moved FAST.
There's stuff a brother does not need to see.
Oh my god. That is SO embarrassing.
Would have been a lot more embarrassing if I'd stayed.
Where do you go? When you're not with me.
I just float, sometimes.
I can't really — I think I can only hang onto people I really loved.
Well, not just people. You and Mom and Dad, and Webster, too.
You're haunting the cat?
Shit. Is haunting the right word?
I don't know. This situation didn't come with a manual.
I'm still not sure if this is a joke. I'm going to—
I'm going to lose my shit.
You're still crying.
You laughed a bit when we were talking about Webster.
But even when you were laughing, you were crying.
You're pretty gross right now. Snotty, even.
Tia half-laughs and tries to clean up her face with the sleeves of her shirt.
Oh, god, Kieran, I've missed you so much. It's been so hard.
I know. I've seen it.
And I've hated it — seeing you all so upset and not being able to do anything about it.
Knowing it's all my fault.
No! Whatever happened, it wasn't your fault.
No, fair enough. It's someone else's fault.
And I need you to help me make them pay.