Driven to Kill - Part 1: SYSTEM CRASH
by Iden Baghdadchi
Help! Kam! I’m trapped inside the car!
Ha ha. Good one.
And it’s moving!!
Sorry, nice try, but you’re still late for class.
Where are you?
That’s what I keep trying to tell you…
I’m trapped inside Stella!
Lemme get this straight.
You’re saying you’re late for class because-
You took the Prof’s self-driving car prototype out for a spin-
And it straight up went rogue?
Yes!! I was testing Stella and it suddenly sped off.
Why is that so hard to believe???
I hate to break it to you, but cars do not grand theft auto themselves.
Stella is not a normal car.
The A.I. has become sentient…
It has a mind of its own.
Ha ha. This is a next level BS excuse for ditching class.
I’m dead serious Kam.
You have to help me!!
Brb. Tucker is calling.
Yo. K-Dawg! You hear the news about that crazy chick?
Huh? Who?
Lucy. The chick you have the hots for.
A) I do NOT have the hots for her. B) She’s NOT crazy.
U sure? Because she totally stole the Prof’s car.
What? For real?
Yeah, she drove off from the lab an hour ago.
Everyone is freaking out!
Dude, she’s in so much trouble!
Oh man. Tucker, I gotta go.
WTF is going on, Lucy?!? Campus is freaking out!
People are saying YOU stole Stella!!!
That’s not what happened!!
Tucker saw you driving off in it.
Lucy, this stunt isn’t funny. Just bring the car back.
It. Took. Me.
Fine. I’ll play along. Where are you?
I’m not sure. It’s dark. We just got off the highway
Near the coast.
Dude. This is the Bay Area. There’s a lot of coast. You wanna specify?
We’re going up this winding road. It’s like …
God, this is going to sound nuts …
Like the car is hunting for something. Or for someone.
FACT: Automobiles do NOT hunt.
For real. We’re at the top of the hill in front of some big house. A BMW is pulling out.
Oh my god. The BMW just sped off!!
I caught a glimpse of the driver.
He looked really frantic. Panicked.
Look, I got work to do, so I’mma -
Oh no.
No no non onononono.
Please please.
Slow down slow down.
Stella is chasing the BMW!!
This joke just isn’t funny anymore.
Oh my god. I think I recognize the driver.
No. It can’t be.
I think it’s … the Prof.
Wait. For real?!?
I’d recognize him anywhere.
Might explain why he wasn’t in class today.
Stella is trying to knock him off the road!!
Whoa. Whoa. Is this really happening?
Why would I make this up??
Okay okay okay. I believe you.
Can you override the A.I.?
I’m trying. It’s not working.
Oh no nonono. Stella is closing in. WE’RE GOING TO HIT HIM
He’s not gonna make it.
What just happened?
Come on! Say something.
The Prof tried some kind of sick skid turn thing
He doubled back in the road and he got away!
Now Stella’s just stopped in the middle of the road like it’s…processing.
WHEW. Crisis averted!
Are you okay?!?
I think so. Just rattled.
I think Stella might be … confused.
I don’t think it’s ever been outsmarted by a human before.
I can’t believe this. This is so -
Why would the A.I. try to kill the Prof?
A glitch?
Pretty vicious glitch, man.
Computers are NOT random. There’s gotta be a reason, a logic.
We’re moving again!!
Just got back on the Pacific Coast Highway.
What if ... Stella is out to kill again??
Okay, let’s try to stay calm.
Who else would be on Stella’s hit list?
Anyone else from the university?
And why hasn’t it killed me?
What if it goes after you?
Why would Stella want to kill -
Oh please no.
Stella found the Prof.
On the PCH.
Uh oh. Not this again.
He’s trying to outrun Stella
But Stella is gaining.
a;sdlkja;lkdj asd;’
Are you there?
Please. Say something.
three minutes later
I’m shaking...
I saw the whole thing.
The look in his eyes…
Just before Stella ran him off the road!!
His car fell down the cliffs…
Oh no. Is he - ?
He’s dead.
Lucy, I -
Are you okay? Are you hurt?
I think I’m going to be sick.
I just watched a murder.
Prof was married. He had a life. A brilliant mind.
Oh god.
ENOUGH. This is crazy.
I’m calling the police.
Absolutely do not call the police.
You just witnessed a murder.
The cops will think I did this!!
But you’re innocent!
So? No one is going to believe it.
A sentient AI capable of murder?
I’ll go to jail for this!! My life is basically over.
Hold on. Breathe. Don’t spiral.
All I ever wanted was to get my degree.
And make my family proud ...
Please Kam. Help ...
Okay, but how??
I have an idea, but it’s a little out there...
I don’t like where this is going.
We can check Stella’s command history and prove that I wasn’t controlling the car.
All we need is the Prof’s tablet.
Sure, but the Prof carried that thing with him everywhere.
It’s probably at the bottom of the Pacific right now.
Yes, but Prof had a backup tablet.
Back in the lab on campus.
Kam, you need to get that tablet!
Okay. I’ll call campus security. They’ll let me in.
Absolutely not.
No one can see that tablet but you
Why? Dude, that’s crazy.
The Prof was working on something else
Something much bigger than self-driving cars…
Things no one is ready to see yet.
Things that will get a lot of people in trouble.
No one can know about this.
If the University or the police find out ...
Hold up. You want me to break into the Prof’s lab?
It’s the only way.
Excuse me? Breaking and entering is the only way?
Lucy, you’re really cool and all.
But you know how shady it’ll look if I’m sneaking around after hours? Even if I wasn’t a black dude it would look bad.
Kam, I promise.
If you can help me get out of this alive, we can finally hit that dumpling place you were talking about.
The one with the lobster xiao long bao?
And the dope mood lighting?
You and me, and maybe a romantic bubble tea afterwards.
Smart girls and dumplings.
You know my weaknesses.
But none of that can happen if I’m in jail.
Or worse ...
Please, Kam. I need you.
Gah. Okay. Fine. I’m in.
But if anything happens to you, I want you to know that -
Oh no. Not again.
What? What? What?
Stella is accelerating
Going max speed down the PCH.
Where is it going??
No clue!!!!
But it’s not stopping.
Are you okay?
Stella’s going somewhere fast.
And I don’t want to find out who’s next on the hit list.
Hang in there.
Kam. You have to help me.
Quick!! Get the tablet!!