Love, Virtually - Episode 6
by Jonathan Rosen
I don’t understand. Just relax.
How do you want me to relax?? I’m INSIDE the game!!
Are you sure it’s not just the virtual reality part?
You don’t think I know the difference between virtual reality and what’s really happening to me??
I’m just saying that sometimes the VR experience is so realistic it just feels that way.
Brandon, I’m INSIDE the game! I KNOW the difference!
Okay, I’m sorry. You’re right.
Remember, you’re talking to someone two years in the past, anything is possible.
I know.
There’s something more going on with this game.
You think?
No, I mean there’s more going on here than we realize.
We’re communicating in different years.
You got pulled into the game.
There’s got to be a reason for all of this.
I don’t care what the reason is. I just want out of here.
What do you see now?
What you see, I see. The things in the game. The trees. The smells. The sky.
But, right now it’s real.
Okay, you need to calm down. Remember how good you are at this.
Brandon, I’m good at the game. I can’t kill orcs and goblins and trolls in real life!
Yes, you can! You’re the best I’ve ever seen.
So, it won’t matter if you’re playing it outside the game or inside.
It’s different in here. It’s all real.
What’s wrong??
Does this mean if I get killed here, I’ll die for real?
That’s not going to happen.
And my body. What happened to my body, while I’m in here? Did I just disappear?
Oh no!
Jessica, I just figured it out! The article I read. The one that said you died!
What about it?
That’s what happened! There was no cause because nobody knew what happened!
Your body was probably discovered, and you weren’t conscious because your mind was in here! They just thought you died!
So, they buried me or whatever, while my mind was trapped in here?
I think that’s exactly what happened. You probably showed no signs of life, since you were stuck in the game.
Brandon, I think I’m going to lose it. I can’t do this. I’m breaking down. I’m crying.
Have you ever seen a video game character cry?
Please don’t cry. You’re the best at this.
That’s when I’m out there. When I can sit back and let loose and I know the stakes don’t matter.
But, you’re not helpless in there. You have weapons.
Don’t you feel it?
I do feel different. I feel this power going through me. In my arms. They’re tingling.
That’s your sting. The faerie sting. You’re powerful in there.
But, even so, what difference does it make? I’m stuck here.
They’re going to bury my body while I’m trapped in here.
You’re going to be okay. And I’m going to help you.
How? I’ve seen you play.
Ah, there she is! I knew you were in there somewhere.
Brandon, I’m really not okay.
I know, And I told you I got you.
Jessica, I give you my word that I won’t let anything happen to you.
Thank you. I feel better with you saying that.
I meant it. Now, what do you see?
Right now, I’m hiding behind a tree.
Okay, I see you there. Do you see me?
So, everything really looks real to you? Not like a video game?
Yes. One hundred percent real.
Okay, there are five goblins nearby.
I see them.
Do you want to kill them or me?
Brandon, you’re not understanding me. I don’t want to get out from behind this tree. I’m too scared.
I think the game wants you to finish or something. That’s why we met. The first time you played, something happened to you and you were stuck.
Think a second. Why did you start playing this game to begin with?
I enjoyed the game. Does there have to be a deeper meaning behind it?
But, what is it about this game?
Why does anyone play video games? It’s fun. It’s an escape.
There you go. An escape from what?
I don’t know.
You do know. You’ve already told me.
I did?
Yes. Your relationship. Your job. You told me the only time you were ever really happy was playing it.
The game reads all that.
That’s impossible. How can a game read people’s emotions?
Just like you told me, how can a game let people years apart talk?
The game read your feelings and took you into it.
You don’t love your fiancé. You’re not happy at work. You wanted out, so the game took you in.
So, the game’s trying to kill me??
No, it’s trying to save you. And now, I see it all so clearly.
That’s where I come in. We’ve gotten along great. The game linked us up.
If I wasn’t so scared, I’d laugh. You think this game is like
In a way. But, more direct. It’s picking for us.
That’s ridiculous.
Why? Like I said, this game is magic. Something’s in it. The game is having us meet for a reason.
I’m divorced. Haven’t had a meaningful relationship since my ex.
Instead of being out socializing and meeting new people, I spend every free moment I have in here!
We’re supposed to help each other!
Watch out! I got them!
To your right!
I see them!
Be careful!
I’m doing the best I can. I can use your help.
I can’t.
Jessica, if I could feel what it’s like to be in the game for real for even a second, I’d grab that chance. You have the power now. Use it!
I’ll try.
That’s it. Fly above them and fire down.
I’m trying. This is so weird. I feel my wings.
You’re doing amazing! Now, fire!
OMG! I did it! They’re exploding.
Jessica, you’re incredible!
I feel so much power.
I’m telling you, everything is going to be all right. We can do this together.
I know this is happening for a reason. The game wanted us to meet.
But why? Just to play the game?
No. Maybe it’s because…
Because what?
Maybe it wants us together.
I don’t know what other reason it could be, but I think that’s it.
Brandon, no offense, but I think you’ve watched too many Romcoms.
Then what else could it be?
If the game wants us together, it’s not doing a very good job of it, is it? I might die in here and you’re out there. Is that your idea of romance?
You’re right.
You’re always saying I’m right, for all the good it’s doing me.
No, I mean it. You’re right. I’m supposed to be in there with you.
And how would you like to do that?
I just need to focus. Concentrate. The game wants it to happen, so it’ll let me.
Brandon, honestly, it’s sweet that you want to try, but don’t do it. It’s scary in here.
You don’t know what it’s like.
I want to be there with you. That’s all I’m concentrating on. I’m focusing.
Don’t do it!
I feel it. My body is tingling. Everything is spinning.
That’s what I felt! Take off the VR goggles!!
I feel like I’m being pulled in.
Five minutes later
Turn around.