Missed Connections
by Kalyn Diaz
Hey, how are you?
I’m good, you?
I’m alright bud.
We are almost done with school.
I know, do you know what you’re doing for summer?
I got an internship, but I’m not sure if I want to take it.
Why not? You got an internship dude, that’s crazy.
I wish I could get one.
Yeah, but I’m not sure anymore if graphic design is what I want to do.
Why not?
I don’t like the people I am involved with now.
What do you mean?
Just in terms of classmates and teachers.
Even the industry I’m working for, they don’t get my vision.
What is your vision?
I just want a way graphic design can include everyone.
Oh, I know what you mean.
The illustration program is rarely diverse.
Yeah it all sucks.
Well don’t you think joining the internship team you can make change?
I think I’m just burned out.
Yeah, it’s that time of year.
What about you, what are your plans for summer?
Just hanging out at home mostly.
Might work at the local pet store.
Cool! I didn’t know you liked animal.
Haha, neither did I.
So, how is everything with the girlfriend?
Mandy, right?
Well… actually we broke up.
Yeah, it's a long story.
I got time.
Oh, well I don’t want to bother you with any of it.
Nonsense. What’s up?
Well for starters, she’s not who I thought she was.
What do you mean?
Is she like a spy?
Haha, no but that would have been way cool.
So what’s up? What was going on with her?
Well for starters she never let me hang out with any of my friends.
She would get jealous over everyone, even my mom!
No way!
Yes and that’s not even the worse part of it.
What can be worse than jealousy?
She stole from me!
What do you mean she stole from you?
Like she actually stole from me.
What did she steal?
She stole thousands of dollars.
My laptop even.
Oh damn I am sorry.
It’s okay.
Are you gonna do anything about it?
No, I have kinda given up.
You know it’s not good to have that kind of attitude.
No offense but weren’t you just saying you were done with your program?
Point taken.
Well this is different, you shouldn’t let this girl steal from you.
Yeah I guess you’re right.
Well what should I do?
Go up to her and tell her what she needs to hear!
Haha, and what’s that buddy?
I don’t know just say how upset you are.
And that it’s not okay!
lol I guess that’s a start.
It is.
Of Course.
Not that I don’t appreciate it but why are you helping me?
You seriously don’t know?
haha no, that’s why I’m asking.
Well I like you.
I like you too.
Uhhh… I don’t think you get what I mean.
Well what do you mean?
ugh, this is hard for me to kind of say.
What is?
I just like you, like as more than a friend.
Yeah, forget about it.
What do you mean exactly?
Nothing. Nevermind, seriously.
Just tell me Kam. It’s okay.
I just like you more than a friend.
I have since we first met.
Whoa! You mean since freshmen year?!
Yeah, is that weird?
No, it’s just surprising.
Why’s that?
Cause just everything with Mandy.
I mean, me and her ended up bad and I even think things shouldn’t have happened.
What do you mean? I’m confused.
Well, before Mandy and me were dating...
there was this time that I kind of wanted to date you.
lol yeah.
We were spending a lot of time together in biology that first semester.
Oh yeah, I remember that.
So is that when you liked me?
I’m guessing that means it passed.
Well I don’t know.
We haven’t hung out in a while.
Yeah, I know.
Things were so different freshmen year.
Yeah, haha. My grades were better.
lol weren’t everyone's?
Maybe we should hang out again.
I mean if you want.
I would like that.
Of course :)
What about this whole situation?
What are you talking about?
With Mandy.
Oh right.
Well, I think you are right.
I should ask her for my stuff back.
Yeah, you deserve it.
Do you think she’ll care about us hanging out?
I honestly don’t know.
But even if she did, it’s none of her business.
Yeah, that’s true.
So, do we call this hanging out a date?
Uh...I’m not sure, what do you want to call it?
Well we are two people who are friends.
And we haven’t seen each other in awhile.
Yes, that’s true.
Lets just call it a hang out, but if it ends up a date then that’s not bad.
Yeah, that sounds good to me.
So, can I pick you up at 7?
Yes :)
Perfect, see you then.
I will see you then Micah.