Past Perfect
by Sean Dunne
Are you there?
It’s urgent.
I don’t recognize this number….
Is this a prank?
No, this isn’t a prank. But –
It is a very important day.
What are you talking about? Who is this?
It’s me, Kate.
Actually it’s you, Kate. From the future.
Yeah. Crazy, right?
You definitely sound crazy.
I know it’s hard to believe but I really am you. Just older.
And hopefully a little wiser.
I’m busy. Can you leave me alone?
You’re studying for the Physics final, right?
Yep. Very busy. Goodbye.
Don’t sweat it. We do fine.
This is weird. Seriously - who is this?
I am messaging you from the year 2039.
And I am you, Kate.
I’m going to block this number.
I can prove I’m you.
I know something about you know one else knows.
Oh yeah? What’s that?
You have a boyfriend pillow.
You dressed it up with a flannel shirt.
And you can’t sleep without it.
How did you know that?
Have you been going through my stuff?
It’s cool. Our secret is safe with me. ;)
I’m going to kill whoever this is.
Still don’t believe me?
Ask me anything. Something only we would know.
What number am I thinking of?
Told you.
How is this possible?
We make it possible.
You end up on a team at MIT that develops this technology.
But how?
I can’t tell you that, but you’ll figure it out eventually.
That’s not why I’m messaging you though…
We don’t have much time.
This technology is dangerous and highly regulated.
I’m not supposed to be talking to you…
It might have unforeseen and catastrophic consequences for all mankind.
Why are you doing it then?!
I need you to ask out Raj Sharma.
Raj Sharma. Tall brown guy. Dreamy green eyes.
I know who he is.
You should ask him out.
What are you talking about?
Don’t you have a crush on him?
Yes of course. Every girl in class has a crush on him.
Right, so you should ask him out.
I don’t know… I just don’t think girls should ask guys out.
You’re living in 2018.
Stop being so old school!
Haven’t you heard?
You don’t want to spend the rest of your life with that dorky boyfriend pillow.
Trust me.
He’s way out of my league, ok?
(And quit hating on the boyfriend pillow. He’s really soft.)
That’s what I thought too when I was your age.
But then I ran into Raj at a conference a few years ago…
And I got a vibe off him.
You got a vibe?
Definitely there was a vibe.
You’re risking unraveling the space-time continuum…
Because you went to some nerd fest and GOT A VIBE?!
It sounds bad when you say it like that…
But, thing this - you end up a pretty lonely gal.
And I’ve been thinking of what I could have done to prevent that.
We never find someone to marry?!
Unfortunately not…
We just never try hard enough, because we were afraid.
So we just dive into our work instead.
Developing this technology takes time. A lot of late nights in the lab.
This isn’t a great idea.
You need this.
You don’t want to spend the rest of your life wondering.
Regret is a killer.
Trust me. He’ll say yes.
I’ll think about it.
No. You have to do it now.
What do you mean now?
His last final is today, and he doesn’t come back next year.
Right now? Why?
Because what I’m doing is illegal.
They‘ll find me any minute now. We don’t have much time.
I need you to find Raj Sharma, ask him out and tell me what happens.
Won’t you know what happens?
That’s not how it works. You can’t alter my past.
But together, we can alter your future.
The second I messaged you, it set you off on a separate time stream.
But you knew I was thinking pi.
You always think pi when someone asks you to pick a number.
There’s no hope for me…
But I’ll know it was worth it when he says yes to you.
I don’t even know where he is!
You know his life schedule, stalker. You can’t BS me.
Fine. Hang on.
Hey, Future A-hole?
It didn’t go well?
He rejected me.
And in a very public forum.
What happened?
He was taking his Chemistry final…
And you told me he would leave right after…
So I did it right there in front of everybody.
And he laughed in our effing face.
That’s weird. I definitely got a vibe.
Shove your vibe up your butt.
The teacher called security and is threatening disciplinary action.
That’s not good.
Why would you tell me to do this? I might not get into MIT now.
We don’t know that.
You’ve ruined my future.
Future me has ruined my future.
How do I end up being such a moron?
Crap. They’re coming! I don’t have much time.
I hope you rot in jail.
I’m so sorry. Just try to find someone nice, k?
Don’t set your sights too high. It’s okay to settle.
Believe me, you don’t want to be using that boyfriend pillow for the rest of your life.
That’s literally the worst advice I’ve ever been given.
And I gave it to myself.
I just don’t get it. This wasn’t the outcome I predicted…
Hang on. Someone else is Snapping me.
Can’t you ignore them right now? We’re running on borrowed time.
Something’s not right…
Do you know someone who uses the handle NERD4LIFE?
He says he saw me fall flat on my face with Raj.
Is it Seth Ross?
Yeah. How’d you know? I thought you were in a different time stream.
We meet later at MIT. We build the future messaging technology together.
Is he cute?
Very. And a genius.
Good. Because his future self just told him to ask me out…
What’d you say?!
I said yes :)
Wow. I wouldn’t have predicted that.
But I’m happy for you.
You’re about to get a knock on your door.
Crap, you’re right. They’re here! How did you know that?
It’s not them, you moron.
It’s Seth.
OMG. You’re right.
Ask him out.
I don’t know….
I’m not really good with that sort of thing.
I’ll have to think about it.
Just DO IT!
And enjoy our future. :)