Power Outage - Episode 2
by Elizabeth Gates
7:10 AM
Who is this Leah person anyway?
And who gave you permission to have a life that didn’t include me?
She lives next door at my apartment complex. Just moved in.
And let me guess, she’s pretty?
I guess some guys might think so.
She BETTER be. I’ll be so much madder at you if you did this for a non-pretty girl.
Well, you can judge for yourself.
No, dude, she’s all yours.
I MEANT that you’re going to have to be the one to erase her memory since I’m trapped in here.
Woah, woah, woah! I never agreed to that.
What other choice is there?
Uh, time travel. Tell you not to make such a stupid decision in the first place.
Come on, I’ll owe you one.
You’ll owe me one with six zeroes after it.
We’ll negotiate later. Take a seat at the counter. I’ll text you when I see her.
7:29 AM
Jeremy grabs a menu from next to the napkins and pretends to rifle through it. Suddenly, his phone buzzes.
It’s her, it’s her! Two seats down from you.
Jeremy turns around and instantly sees who Alex means.
Good for you, man.
Ask her to pass the salt.
No, you don’t have any food. Ask her if you’ve seen her somewhere before.
Stop backseat driving. I’ve got this.
Jeremy pockets his phone but not before taking a quick look at his reflection in the darkened screen.
He turns to the girl next to him.
Leah glances sideways, surprised.
Know anything that’s good here?
The ketchup-flavored ice cream is pretty awesome.
You’re joking!
Of course I am. Glad you caught that.
A waitress comes by.
Leah smiles at her while accepting a cup of coffee.
Jeremy rubs the palms of his hands against his jeans, nervous in spite of himself.
He waits for Leah to look away and then—
What did you just do?
I…What do you mean?
Don’t deny it! You put something in my drink! What the hell are you up to?!
She pushes her barstool back as she stands, clearly about to call for someone.
Wait…wait…I can explain.
Make it quick.
Oh, um, can we talk someplace private?
No! Your options are here or in jail, talking from the other side of a Plexiglas window.
I’m a friend of Alex’s.
Leah’s eyes show a flash of recognition, but she hides it quickly.
Jeremy leans in and whispers.
The abracadabra kind of friend.
Now can we go somewhere quieter?
Leah thinks about it while biting her lip.
I’m getting a to-go cup for this coffee. You can wait.
7:29 AM
Jeremy! What are you telling her?
Where are you guys going?
Jeremy, what’s going on?!!!
7:31 AM
Jeremy holds the door open for Leah and then follows quickly behind her as she heads in the direction of a nearby park.
Maybe we should start over. My name is—
He is cut off as his face is suddenly splashed with coffee. Jeremy urgently tries to spit it out on the grass and to wipe it off his face and clothes.
Feel like telling me what was in there now?
You’re lucky that I still remember.
That coffee’s still pretty hot, you know!
Stop complaining and start explaining. Now.
7:35 AM
Alex, heads up. Your “friend who just so happens to be a girl” is heading to the alley to talk to you.
Oddly enough, that doesn’t sound like “The mission was a complete success. Stop worrying, man.”
Good. It was meant to sound as much like the opposite of that as possible.
7:40 AM
Leah glances over her shoulder at Jeremy, then back at the apparently normal alley.
Are you sure you’re not just messing with me by having me talk to a brick wall?
No. It’s really me.
Leah extends her arms out, feeling the ‘empty’ air in front of her, but winds up accidentally poking Alex.
Oops, sorry. Didn’t mean to touch that.
He didn’t mind.
I don’t understand. If magic got Alex into this mess, why don’t you just use magic to get him out?
There’s a Power Outage.
You know how a bad storm can sometimes cause your lights to go out?
Well, our powers can be affected by the weather, too.
Lots of things like the position of the stars or the Earth’s magnetic field can change our ability to do magic.
Right now, there’s a lot of interference in the air—so Jeremy could TRY a spell to get me out of here.
But chances are if anything happened at all, it would NOT be what we wanted to happen.
You might try to make something float and end up causing it to multiply.
Or to make all your laundry fold itself and then have it attack you.
Or try to magically conjure another roll of toilet paper and wind up with a cactus.
Leah gives him a weird look.
All based on true stories, by the way.
Well, I need to talk to you, Alex…And I can’t talk to you like this.
What if we tied ropes to your legs and used my car to pull you out? Would that work?
Jeremy shrugs.
Might be worth a shot.
I’ll try anything at this point.
Who knows? Maybe it will make me taller.
8:03 AM
Leah looks through her truck’s back window, at the cables tied to a point in mid-air, then takes a deep breath to steady herself.
Okay, Alex, I’m moving NOW!
At first Leah is careful to not step on the gas too hard in case Alex comes whipping out of the wall.
But the truck continues to spin its wheels in the same spot…
Leah decides to gun it.
The car strains against her, then suddenly there’s a “pop” like the sound of a toilet plunger breaking suction with the bowl.
Leah puts the car in park and jumps out.
Alex, are you okay? Right, you’re still invisible. If you bleed, is your blood invisible?
I think I’m fine. All my invisible blood still seems to be in my invisible veins.