The Red Room - Episode 1
by Michael Ojunga
Where are you, babe?
I don’t know…
What do you mean you don’t know?
I went to this fraternity for rush.
They blindfolded us.
And one of the guys grabbed me and whispered in my ear.
What did he say??
That I had been chosen.
Chosen for what?
To enter the Red Room.
Wait. I’ve heard about this.
Tom. My old boyfriend. He was chosen.
Yeah, he’s here.
What are you talking about, Mark? He’s dead.
He got into that car accident last year.
I remember.
Then what do you mean he’s there?
He’s here with me.
Stop trying to freak me out. Where are you?
I’m inside the Red Room.
And you’re here too.
Mark, you’re weirding me out.
I swear, babe.
I know it doesn’t make any sense, but you’re here.
What am I wearing then?
A black T-shirt.
What’s on it?
It’s kind of hard to see.
It’s your favorite band. The Rolling Stones…
I just bought that shirt today.
I have it on now.
And I just noticed something else.
What is it?!
There’s a red stain on the shirt.
It looks like it might be…blood.
What the hell, Mark! Stop trying to mess with me.
Can you just get out of there?
We were supposed to hang tonight.
I know, babe. I just wanted to check out rush at this frat though.
I didn’t think it would turn into a whole thing.
I’m sorry…I’ll be over soon.
Okay. Hurry!
I will. But I swear you’re here in the corner.
Or it’s someone who looks exactly like you.
And…you’re crying.
This is so disturbing.
Why are you trying to scare me??
I’m not. I just don’t know what’s happening…
And now you’re holding your stomach.
Oh my god.
It IS blood. Oh shit! You’re bleeding.
From your stomach. It’s all over your hands!
Get out of there now!
This must be some sick joke they’re trying to play on you.
And I don’t like it.
She’s walking towards me.
I mean, YOU’RE walking toward me.
I don’t know what to do.
Mark! What’s happening??
She told me to tell you something.
To run!
Mark, you’re really upsetting me.
Babe, I don’t even know what’s going on anymore.
She whispered in my ear.
She said you were in danger.
But she was you…
Are you drunk? Did they make you drink something?
You’re not making sense.
No, I’m completely sober. Is your roommate home?
No, I’m here alone.
Maybe you should go to the campus center.
I can meet you there.
Okay, sounds good.
Meet in 15 minutes?
Perfect. I’m weirded out, babe.
It’s all fucked up in here.
It’s hard to see, and different people keep appearing.
Mark! Please come help me. Oh my god. Please!
What is it babe?
I can’t breathe—
I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do.
Tell me what’s going on!
There’s someone outside my window.
What? Who?
I don’t know! I’m too scared to look back outside.
I just know I saw someone out there.
Oh my god. I turned off all my lights.
I’m hiding against the wall.
I’m coming to you now, babe.
Are they still out there?
I’m too afraid to look.
Just take a peek. Whoever it is won’t be able to see you with the lights off.
Okay, one second.
What’s going on?
Ashley, talk to me!
They’re right by the window now!
Oh my god. Please help me.
I’m trying to get out of here, babe. I just need to find the door.
I need you!
Oh god. I can hear you screaming here.
Mark, they’re pounding on the window!
Babe, stay calm. I think I found the door.
Oh god, they have a knife.
The blade. It’s scratching against the glass.
I can’t take this. I need you.
What is it?!
I found the door.
But there’s a guy blocking it.
I don’t care. You have to come help me!
He’s asking me for a password.
Damn it, Mark. Tell him your girlfriend is in danger.
You don’t have time for these stupid games!
He says you have the answer.
Mark, I’m serious. I don’t know what he’s talking about.
I’m freaking out.
He won’t let me by.
Mark, be a man. Just get out of there!
Oh shit, I remember this now…
I remember this exact moment.
Déjà vu or something.
I’ve definitely been here before.
It was in a dream.
I can’t take this anymore.
You said the exact same thing. To be a man.
That if I can’t stand up for myself, we don’t have a future together.
This is all too crazy.
Just come and protect me from this lunatic outside!
Everything’s going to be okay, babe.
How do you know?! I’m terrified.
The password. I know what it is.
Well, say it so you can get the fuck out of there!
Who knows what this crazy person is going to try and do to me.
Yes! It worked, babe. He’s opening the door!
What the hell…
What now?!
I’m outside your house.