10 Minutes to Live - Episode 1
by James Kriz
Liam is drinking alone at a bar.
He’s waiting for his girlfriend, Jessa, to show up.
But she’s over an hour late.
So he’s staring across the street…
Hoping she’ll come out of her high-rise office building.
He’s very frustrated.
And doesn’t even notice the hooded stranger sitting on the other side of the bar.
The stranger is watching him carefully.
Just then, Liam’s phone buzzes.
I’m going to die in 10 minutes.
Please help.
Wait, you’re serious?
Where are you?
I’m trapped in an elevator.
At my office building.
60 floors up.
Did it break or something?
No, it’s something way worse than that…
What happened?
I was late to meet you, so I rushed into the elevator.
I didn’t look around me or anything.
The doors shut…
And then it plummeted down 20 floors!
Like, way too quickly.
It felt really dangerous.
And then I got a creepy text message.
Who was it from?
Some unknown number.
He told me that in 10 minutes…
The elevator would fall the rest of the way down.
That’s 40 stories, Liam!
It’ll kill me!
Oh my god!
I know. I tried to get out of the elevator.
But this guy must be controlling it or something.
Because the buttons don’t work.
Try prying the doors open.
Ugh, they won’t budge.
There’s no other way out!
Did anyone in the building see you leave?
I don’t think so.
It’s pretty late.
Everyone is gone for the night.
Well, try yelling and banging on the doors.
I just did. I don’t think there’s anyone out there.
No one seemed to hear me.
Call the police!
I can’t.
The unknown number told me that if I tried to call the police…
He’d make the elevator drop immediately.
Okay, I’m calling them.
There’s another thing.
He said I’m not allowed to call anyone.
And that the only person I can text is you…
What?! Why me?
I don’t know.
They said you had to be the one to save me.
Okay this guy is pissing me off.
What’s his number?
Jessa shares the contact with Liam.
I’m texting this pyscho.
Liam, no.
Don’t waste your time.
Just get me out of here before time runs out.
Please hurry!
Are you sure I shouldn’t also call the police?
You can’t.
He’ll drop the elevator and kill me if you do.
But how would he know if I called?
I don’t know!!
He’s monitoring this elevator somehow…
So I’m sure he’s monitoring you.
I dunno…
Liam looks around him at the bar.
There are a bunch of other customers.
Could one of them be this monster?
Liam, we don’t have time to figure out how he’s doing this.
I just know he’s dangerous.
And we only have 8 minutes left!
I’m coming!
Liam exits the bar and crosses the street.
He reaches the office building.
He hurries inside.
The lobby is empty.
Liam reaches the elevators.
He pulls out his phone.
I’m here.
I’m in the south elevator on the 40th floor.
So take the north elevator up to the 50th floor.
You can access the south elevator shaft there.
Liam gets in the elevator.
He presses the button for the 50th floor.
The elevator starts to go up.
So what else did he say?
Did he give you any clues about who he is?
Ugh, no.
All he said was that he wanted to get even with you.
Even with me? For what?
He didn’t say.
I’m trying to think who it could be…
Liam, focus.
We only have 6 minutes.
Please hurry!
I’m scared.
Okay, I’m coming as fast as I can!
It’s going to be alright.
I’m going to save you.
Because Jessa, I love you.
I know.
I love you too.
The elevator reaches the 25th floor.
It still has 25 more floors to go.
Liam uses the time to text the unknown number.
Who are you?
Why are you doing this to my girlfriend?
Hey Liam.
How are you feeling today?
Cut the crap.
Just tell me who you are.
I can’t do that.
It wouldn’t be any fun for me.
But maybe if you save Jessa, I’ll tell you.
Tell me now!
You shouldn’t yell at me.
Especially since you’re the reason this is happening.
I am?
What did I do to you?
Deception is an ugly thing.
Isn’t it, Liam?
Liam looks up at the floor display on the elevator.
He’s moves past the 30th floor.
How did I deceive you?
You told me you loved me.
You promised to be faithful.
And you lied.
Just tell me who you are!
Haven’t you been able to figure it out by now?
It’s your ex-girlfriend.
And Jessa’s best friend.
You know who it is, Liam.
You cheated on me.
With Jessa.
And now you’re dating her?!
I’m going to make you sorry that you did that.
This so messed up.
Maybe. But you know what’s even worse?
That you’re still cheating.
Now you’re cheating on Jessa. With Ruby.
Maybe I should tell Jessa what you did…
It only happened a few times!
And I love Jessa. This will crush her.
I’ll tell you what…
Keep following my instructions…
Jessa will continue to give them to you.
And maybe then I won’t share your secret.
Anything. I’ll do anything.
Good choice.
Okay. I’m here.
I did what Jessa told me.
I just got off on the 50th floor.
Alright. You have 4 minutes now.
After that, Jessa dies.
Tick tock.
Tick tock.
Hurry up, Liam.
Okay, but what do I do next?
Answer me!
Frustrated, Liam sends a text to Jessa.
I’m here.
3 minutes left!
The unknown number texted me.
He said that there’s a utility closet to the right of you.
Go inside it.
Liam goes to the closet.
He opens it and goes into it.
Open up the ventilation shaft.
And get inside it.
Liam does as he’s told.
Now what?
Crawl until you reach the vent panel!
Liam crawls forward.
He comes across the vent panel.
Knock it open.
Then you can climb into the elevator shaft.
Liam punches the vent panel.
It won’t budge.
2 minutes and counting!
Liam punches it even harder.
The panel flies off.
Liam peers out into the elevator shaft.
He sees an elevator that’s 10 stories below.
That must be where Jessa is trapped.
Hurry up!
I’m coming!
Liam quickly slides into the elevator shaft.
He starts climbing down the metal framework.
He slips.
But then he catches himself, clinging onto the wall.
Moments later
Liam finally reaches the top of the elevator.
He texts Jessa.
What now?
Find a way in!
Liam searches around frantically.
I can’t find anything!
His phone buzzes.
He checks it.
Did you find Jessa?
Or did you figure out the truth?
What are you talking about?
I’m Jessa, Liam.
Wait, what?
Liam gets a text back.
This time, it’s from Jessa’s number.
I know what you did.
You’ve been cheating on me for months.
So I staged this whole thing.
Unknown number was me all along.
It was my turn to deceive you.
Goodbye, Liam.
Love you, babe 😉
Liam’s shocked.
He tries to shimmy up the wall…
To climb back across the vent panel.
Because if he can just make it there…
He can crawl back to safety — to the utility closet.
But he’s too late.
The elevator surges up.
And flattens Liam against the wall.
He dies instantly.
In the lobby of the office building, in front of the elevators…
The stranger from the bar stands with a small smile on her lips.
Because she has a secret.
She just sent both elevators up to the top floor…
And killed Liam.
She pulls down the hood that was obstructing her face.
It’s Jessa.
And as she walks out of the building…
Her smile spreads into a full-fledged grin.