Wrong Number - Part 3
by Lavinia G Teodora Magnani
If you leave me alone I won't say anything to anyone
I'll disappear from your life
You want to kill three people? Really? You won't get away with it
Gretchen please
You're not a monster
Thank you dear
Where are you hiding?
There's a disgusting smell coming from upstairs. Is that you shitting your pants?
I'll clean you up
P.S. it's going to hurt
Why are you doing this?
Oh hello! The attic door is locked. I wonder where you guys might be
Lucky I have a hair pin. It will take a second
You don't have to do this
Blah blah blah
A hammer that falls when the door opens
Nice booby trap. A little too common though
Unfortunately for you I've seen it all before
But fortunately for you I appreciate initiative and courage
So I'm going to give you a chance
There is one way you can gain back my trust
What way?
Kill the girl and the boy under my eyes.
Make your choice
We're in the bathroom. Second door on the left.
10 November 2016 - 09:15
This is Chief of Police Charles D. Ivory. State your name for the record.
Matthew Morgan
Mr. Morgan, were you familiar with Jacob Weld?
I worked as a driver for his father. I used to drive him from home to his office and back, so at times I saw the kid.
Mr. Morgan, did you abduct Jacob?
From my point of view, no. I was manipulated into it.
By whom?
By Gretchen Weenix
How did you know Miss Weenix?
From work. She was Mr. Weld's secretary
In what way did she manipulate you?
That afternoon she called me and told me that I had to pick up Jacob from school
and take him to the house in Maple Street. She said his father was waiting for him for some urgent family business.
Did you believe her?
She was Mr. Weld's secretary.
Did you not ask any questions?
I was just the driver. It was not my place to ask questions like that.
So did you pick up Jacob and drive him to Maple Street?
Yes. When I realised what I had got myself into it was too late.
I had just helped kidnap a child and I was being kidnapped myself.
13 November 2016 - 14:37
We were hiding in the attic bathroom. She opened the door and... she had a gun... everything happened so quickly...
Hold on, Emily. Can you please describe what the crime scene looked like at this point?
Jacob was asleep on the bathroom floor. I was next to him.
Matthew was hiding behind the shower curtain with the flashlight.
Was he planning on using the flashlight as a weapon?
He wanted to knock her out.
What happened then?
She walked in and pointed the gun at the child. We didn't think she'd be so impatient to kill us...
Matthew came out from behind the curtain and shielded Jacob.
She shot Matthew. But she wasn't expecting that to happen. She was taken aback.
I grabbed the flashlight and hit her in the head.
Everything happened so quickly.
Did you intend to kill her?
No. I just wanted her to stop. I had no idea I had so much force in my arms.
It was self-defence.
I know Emily. This is a clear case of self-defence.
But before we finish I have to ask you again...
Are you absolutely sure you had had no contact whatsoever with Matthew Morgan prior to that nigh in Maple Street?
Absolutely sure.
You had never seen him nor talked to him nor heard of him before?
No. I didn't know he existed before I was brought to that house.
Who brought you to that house?
I told you, I don't know. I was in my bed when someone came in and knocked me out.
When I woke up I was in Maple Street, next to Matthew and the child.
Do you think it could have been Gretchen Weenix?
Maybe. I don't know.
Why do you think you were kidnapped?
Well, it's pretty obvious.
My mother is a well-known woman and quite rich.
Gretchen must have known that.
Alright. You can go.
Matthew, I talked to Charles Ivory...