At Midnight - Episode 1
by Ruth Lauren
Where are you?
I’m at home in bed. Why?
Where are you?
I’m at the pier.
But it’s midnight! What are you doing at the pier?
I thought I was meeting you!
Why would you think that?
Um, because of the note you left me?
What note?
I got a note that said to meet you at the pier at midnight.
It was in your handwriting.
You didn’t send it?
Omg, then who did?!
I have no idea.
Listen, I think you should get out of there, fast.
Wait a minute…there’s something at the end of the pier.
What kind of something?
Mandy? Just get out of there!
Is it a person?
No. It’s a piece of paper, taped to the railing.
I’m going to get it.
Leave it. Just get back in your car.
Seriously, I have a bad feeling about this. Get out of there.
Omg Aaron.
What is it???
It’s a photo. I don’t know what to do.
A photo of what?
Our Emma?
Yes. Your girlfriend. My bff.
What? That’s so creepy.
Why is there a photo of Emma taped to the end of the pier?
Aaron…she looks terrified in it.
When did you last speak to her?
Isn’t she at work?
She should be. I talked to her a couple of hours ago.
She told me she had another graveyard shift tonight.
You know how she thinks that’s funny because she works in a morgue.
Aaron…there’s something else about this photo.
I recognize the curtains behind her.
She’s in my apartment.
I’m going over to your place right now.
Wait, there’s something written on the back of the photo.
What does it say?
The writing is the same as the note I got.
It says ‘I know what you two did.’
Wait, what does “you two” mean?
I don’t know…
Mandy starts running back to her car.
I’m really creeped out.
I have to get back to my apartment.
I’ll meet you outside.
When Mandy arrives at her apartment block, the streetlight is out.
Aaron isn’t there.
Aaron? Where are you?
I can’t wait. Emma’s in there.
I’m going in.
Just as Mandy gets to the door, the fire alarm starts blaring.
People start streaming out of the door and Mandy can’t get in.
Just as Mandy asks someone what’s going on, she gets another text.
Aaron! Where are you?
My cab didn’t show up so I started walking. I’m almost there.
I think there’s a fire in my apartment block.
What do you mean, ‘you think?’
The alarm’s going off.
But there’s something weird about it.
What do you mean?
I can’t see or smell any smoke.
Okay, I just talked to someone who came out of the building.
They couldn’t smell any smoke either.
I think I should go in anyway. Emma’s in there!
Suddenly, a man shouts that he sees smoke.
The crowd moves back from the building.
Mandy hesitates and then moves too.
And then, she looks up at the corner apartment on the top floor.
Smoke is pouring out of it.
Aaron, omg. There really is a fire.
And it’s in my apartment.
Sirens wail in the distance.
WHAT?! I’m running as fast as I can.
Are the cops there? The fire department?
They’re coming.
I don’t know what to do.
I’m so scared, Aaron.
Don't worry, I’m almost there.
Firefighters arrive and rush into the building.
One of them ushers the crowd back to a safe distance.
Aaron runs down the road to Mandy—
But a firefighter steps in and asks him to move away from the scene.
Lost in a crowd, he texts her.
Mandy? Are you okay?
What’s going on? They won’t tell me anything!
I’m okay. But I couldn’t get in there, Aaron.
Try not to worry. The firefighters are in there now, right?
I know. I’m just so scared.
Oh god, they’re coming out.
Aaron, they’ve got…
Mandy, I can’t see.
What is it?
A body bag.
Gasps and murmurs ripple around the crowd.
Someone asks the firefighters about the body.
They are told it’s a young woman.
Oh god Aaron, it’s her.
It has to be her.
Just then, Mandy feels a hand grab her shoulder.
She spins around, to see a figure sidestep behind another building.
She’s wearing a sweatshirt with the hood pulled up.
Mandy races over to get a closer look.
Emma, is that you?
EMMA? Oh my god Emma, what’s going on?
You’re okay?
Geez, you say that like you’re afraid to look your best friend in the face.
That’s because I thought that was you in the body bag.
I saw pictures of you in my apartment.
Yeah, I’m hoping that’s what the cops think too.
Especially since I’ve altered the body’s dental records to match mine.
What?! That’s insane.
You just found a body and changed its teeth?
Oh, come on, Mandy. You know where I work.
All I had to do was wait for a Jane Doe to come in.
Took two months though.
Then I just had to orchestrate the fire.
Didn’t you notice anything unusual about it?
Really? Wasn’t it strange that all the tenants came out of the building before the fire started?
It was almost like whoever did this wanted the building to be empty…
So no one would get hurt.
Are you proud of yourself for saving people?
Even though you set fire to a BUILDING??
Emma, this is so messed up.
It’s really not. Is he there yet?
Is who here?
You know who.
Yes. Is he there?
I’d like you to see his face when he’s arrested.
What are you talking about? Why would he be arrested?
For poor Emma’s murder, of course.
But that body isn’t you!
That’s not what the police will think.
Okay, fine. But what does all this have to do with Aaron?
You really can’t guess?
I’ll explain then. What did the first note you got say, Mandy?
It said to meet on the pier at midnight.
Who did you think it came from?
And how’d you know?
Why’d you KNOW it was from him?
Mandy feels her face heat.
She recognized Aaron’s handwriting.
But can she tell Emma that?
Come on, Mandy. What did the note on the back of the photo say?
Mandy takes the photo out of her pocket and turns it over.
It says…
Oh god. It was from you all along.
And it says ‘I know what you two did.’
Emma smiles.
See? I knew you’d go to meet Aaron if you thought the note was from him.
Even if it was midnight.
Because I knew my BFF is sleeping with my boyfriend.
You…that’s the reason you did all of this?
Why you planted a body that looks just like you in my apartment?
You set my apartment on FIRE?
Don’t be silly Mandy. I didn’t do anything.
I’m dead now, remember?
They just found Emma Wright’s dead body.
Emma taps her chin with one finger.
I think the police will probably look very closely at Aaron.
Especially when they find out you two were having an affair.
And when they see the photos on his hard drive?
What photos?
The ones that look exactly like the one in your hand, duh.
You can’t do this to him, Emma!
Oh, he’s not the only one I’m doing this to, Mandy.
What does that mean?
Whose apartment was the body in?
Good luck explaining that to the police.
Wait! You can’t do this!
I already did.
Now if you’ll excuse me, bff, I have a plane to board.
And before Mandy can register what her best friend just said…
Emma slips away into the night.
Never to be seen again.