Dead Air - Episode 3
by Travis Pennington
Angelique? Are you there?
Bonjour, Chrissy. Sylvie’s been fussing today.
We were just about to head out the door to pick you up.
Thank god you’re okay! I didn’t think…
Didn’t think what?
I didn’t think you would answer.
But why not?
Listen, something terrible is happening.
And my brother said…
He said something happened at the airport.
He said it’s all over the news.
What happened?
Someone set off a bomb.
But it can’t be!
I have the TV on, and there is nothing about a bomb.
Nothing at all?
Why did he…
I know! He’s pulling your leg.
It’s a bad joke, though.
Listen, Angelique.
There’s something wrong with the plane.
Everyone’s dead.
What are you talking about?
I know it sounds crazy, but I’m the only one alive on this flight.
I woke up, and…
This joke is worse than John’s.
No, this is real!
I promise.
It’s not funny.
I know. But I’m really not joking.
Everyone on this plane is dead.
Except for me.
Are you there?
I’m here.
But I don’t know what to say.
I’ll never understand American humor.
First you tell me I supposedly died at the airport, and now this?
I swear on my life, I’m not kidding around.
I wouldn’t joke about something like this.
Oh my God.
This is…
It’s impossible.
I know.
But you see them, right?
You see the dead bodies?
Of course.
I’m only asking because I sent one of these pictures to John, and he said the picture was totally normal.
He said everyone in it was alive and well.
Hold on. I’m going to call the police.
John’s already done that.
They said nothing was wrong with the flight.
They said they contacted the plane, and everything was normal.
I don’t…
Chrissy, are you there?
I’m here.
I just heard a noise.
It’s coming from one of the lavatories.
What is it?
Someone’s tapping.
Someone’s tapping on the door, from the inside.
Stay on the phone, okay?
Chrissy approaches the lavatory door and calls out.
Is someone there?
Yes. It’s Mom.
I’ve been waiting so long to speak with you again.
Chrissy, dear. Why did you let that strange man adopt you?
You never should have moved in with that new family.
You should have stayed with us.
It’s time to come home, dear.
We’re all waiting.
Chrissy tries to open the door, but it’s locked.
What’s happening?
Oh God. This can’t be real.
Who are you?
You need to come home right now.
The day your father died, he found what you’d been hiding under your bed.
It truly hurt him and made him very angry.
I’d never seen him like that. He lost his mind.
I don’t know what you mean.
I was never hiding anything under my bed.
You know who I am.
And you know exactly what I’m talking about.
You can’t lie to me now, because I know everything.
And I can SEE everything.
You’re not my mother.
My mother is dead.
And so is my father.
Yes, we’re both dead.
And that’s why you need to remember what REALLY happened the day the virus killed everyone.
What are you talking about?
Your dad — the virus isn’t what killed him.
YOU’RE the one who killed him, and you know that.
You’ve just buried the memory.
He was holding what he found in your room, and it broke him.
He cut his throat with a Ginsu knife.
That’s impossible.
They said it was a virus.
They said the virus killed EVERYONE in town, including Dad.
That’s true, in everyone’s case except your father’s.
You know I’m not lying.
Think back to that day.
Think hard.
It’s your only chance.
What are you talking about?
You don’t understand what’s happening on this airplane?
You think everything around you is impossible?
It’s real, all right.
All these dead bodies are real.
And the only way you’re getting out of this is if you can remember what really happened that day.