Deal With The Devil - Episode 3
by Candice Carmody
Rachel is horrified by the sight of her mother.
Even so, a part of her still wants to run toward her to help.
But she runs away--
Toward the graveyard.
And her grandmother.
Rachel, my darling. I was so afraid!
Quickly now, we don’t have a moment to lose.
Gran takes out a needle and moves toward Rachel.
Let me prick your finger.
This will keep you safe against your mother.
Rachel almost lets Gran prick her finger.
But then she backs away.
She runs to her dad’s grave
And places both of her hands on the headstone, as if to gain strength from it.
Gran appears with the needle, but she stops short, right before the grave.
It is as if an invisible forcefield prevents her from entering the space around the grave.
Then, another figure appears--
Rachel’s Mom.
Rachel, stay there.
Gran can’t get to you if you’re touching your father’s headstone.
If you let her prick your finger, all will be lost.
Mom! Why do you look that way?
Why are you holding a knife?
Her mother utters a cry that pierces through the graveyard.
It renders Gran immobile and speechless.
Rachel, listen to me.
That cry will only hold Gran still for 10 minutes.
Gran has a look of mute fury on her face.
She is powerless--
For now.
What did Gran tell you, Rachel?
She said she made a deal with the devil.
And that the devil took over your soul!
And that you will be completely under the devil’s control at midnight.
That’s all true, Rachel.
Oh, Mom! But midnight is only 10 minutes away.
That’s why I need to you be brave and act fast.
You are as strong as I am. I believe that.
I KNOW that.
What do you need me to do, Mom?
First, you need to know that Gran didn’t tell you everything.
Because that day in the hospital…
The devil took over HER soul too.
She is older, so it took less time for him to get full control of her.
That’s not your Gran standing there.
That’s a full disciple of the devil.
That woman has no humanity left in her.
I don’t know who to believe.
I thought she was trying to help me!
No. She wanted both of us to come to the graveyard.
So she had to tell you at least some of the truth.
And once she got you to listen to her…
She knew I would follow you here.
The devil wants all three of us to be here together.
At midnight, he’ll try to make us place our hands over the grave of Gran’s mother, your great grandmother Beatrice.
That will create enough power to make YOU a disciple too.
Oh my god!
You can’t let that happen, Rachel.
I know. Okay, Mom -- what do I do?
In a few minutes, I won’t have the strength to stop it from happening any longer.
The devil will fully control me.
And the damage he will be able to do is unimaginable.
Is the devil that strong?
WE’RE that strong, Rachel.
If he gets you too…
The four of us together will BECOME that strong.
That’s why he chose us.
That’s why I need you…
To kill me…
With this knife.
It’s the only way.
I can’t…
That’s murder!
I can’t murder my own mother!
Rachel, look at my face.
There are multiple rivulets of icy blood running down her white, white skin..
No normal human being looks this way.
At midnight, I am not going to be human anymore.
At midnight, I won’t be your mother.
Rachel, it has to be the blood of my blood that commits my murder.
That’s the only way to end this nightmare.
Mom, I can’t!
Yes, you can.
Take this knife and plunge it into my hand.
If I were still a normal human it would only injure me.
But because I have so little human blood in me now, it will kill me.
Please, please let me rest in peace alongside your father.
Please Rachel. It’s 11:59.
You need to do it--NOW.
Honey, I love you so much.
I’m so proud of you, every day.
And I know you will do lots of good in this world.
I love you too, Mom.
Rachel takes the knife from her mother…
And plunges it into her mother’s left hand.
A few drops of her blood appear,
And then her mother falls lifeless to the ground.
The being inside Gran’s body emits an unearthly scream
And disappears--leaving her corpse vacant on the ground.
Rachel throws herself sobbing on top of her mother.
Goodbye, Mom.
The devil was right.
You are the strongest person on this Earth.