Defecatus Interruptus
by Nat Master
Stop what you’re doing right now.
Why, what’s up?
I’m at the burrito place.
I’m in the bathroom. Taking a dump.
This guy just snuck in with his girlfriend and they are now having sex right outside the stall.
Do I just continue?
Continue what?
You know
my business.
OH. I don’t know.
I feel like it would be rude.
I would sit tight and see how this plays out.
Right now I just see flailing dreadlocks.
His or hers?
Dude has some profane demands.
It’s like a Lil Wayne album.
And she’s just sitting there and taking that?
Like you wouldn’t believe.
And she’s standing.
I really want you to note down his list of demands for my reference.
I really want to be there when you present that list to your wife.
We do have an anniversary coming up.
He sounds bossy. Are you bossy like this?
Are you kidding, Deb would stab me.
It’s his tone. Such gravitas.
Like an erotic boot camp instructor.
I could never pull this off. [sent at 1:17]
So what happened?
I’m still in here.
They’re not done.
Every time I think they might be close she’s like NO NOT YET.
You should just go out there.
It’s too late for that.
I’m sure it’ll be fine. Introduce yourself.
I already know both their names. He is Papi, and she goes by You Like That Don’t You.
They sound like polite and understanding people.
Stopping them now would make me the worst human being who ever lived.
Even nuns at a Catholic school wouldn’t be that cruel.
Like, “No, Sister Lazarus, lower your wooden ruler. They’ve come too far to be parted now…”
Your sense of Christian charity is admirable.
Pray for me.
LOL [sent at 1:25]
I am never getting out of this stall.
This is the English Patient of bathroom hookups.
There’s so much I never got a chance to do.
See the world?
Eat breakfast foods 3 meals a day for a week straight.
Or do that thing I saw on Youtube where you buy a ton of french fries at McDonalds and spread them out all over the table.
And see the world. [sent at 1:34]
Still at it?
Contorting effortlessly from tableau to tableau.
Like dirty acrobats who curse a lot.
I bet they stop for a break at some point.
I’ll have been dead for 20 years by then.
It just occurred to me that you are the only other person in the world who knows I’m here.
If something happens to me in the next few minutes, they might never find you.
I told a guy at work I was coming here. Hopefully they would come looking for me.
Shit, I’m missing my 1:30 meeting.
I’m sure they’ll understand when you tell them why.
It’s going to be the best conversation ever. [sent at 1:38]
I don’t understand.
Where does the stamina come from??
My own knees buckled from exhaustion 10 minutes ago.
And I’m lying on my couch.
And also not having sex in a public bathroom.
This isn’t sex. It’s some kind of tantric marathon undertaken by two beings who are clearly an evolutionary leap forward for humankind. [sent at 1:41]
Dude they just crashed right up against the stall.
How have they not seen your feet under the door or anything??
I may have pulled my feet up onto the toilet seat when they burst in.
So wait
You’ve been sitting there with your feet up on the toilet this whole time?
My ass is asleep and my legs are cramping up so bad.
I’m grateful there is a written record of this conversation.
I am in so much pain right now. [sent at 1:51]
Ok they’ve switched to
‘back door’ stuff
It’ll be over soon, right?
Yeah, that’s definitely towards the end of the play book. Home stretch for sure.
Will you stay with me until it’s over?
I won’t leave you, man. [sent at 1:55]
Any minute now…
So close.
How can you tell?
She seems pretty emphatic about it. [sent at 1:58]
Dude, what happened? Where are you??
They left??
So I didn’t realize the toilet I was on had one of those motion sensor flushes.
Yeah that was awkward.
Oh wow what did you do?
I walked out of the stall and washed my hands. Like what’s the proper etiquette, you know?
You say anything?
I apologized. They were *literally* right at the end and I pretty much ruined everything.
All that hard work for nothing.
I’ve never been so impressed with anything in my entire life.
I love that you shared this with me.
I think it’s brought us closer for sure. So what are you doing?
Just answering email.