Double Date - Episode 1
by Chris Marie Green
When my best friend Dylan FaceTimes me—
He’s right on schedule.
Are you ready for our double date?
Actually, I need to talk to you about that.
I’m bailing.
You heard me.
But I already fixed you up with the new guy on the football team—
And you set me up with your new friend.
We can’t ditch them at the last minute!
Hah! Watch me.
Dylan sighs.
Chelsea, I get why you’re suddenly nervous.
I mean, you haven’t gone on a date all summer.
Neither have you.
Right, and that’s why we decided to fix each other up—
Because our social lives needed a boost.
Well, now that I’ve had time to think about it…
A double date on FaceTime is a terrible solution.
Dylan smiles.
We know each other better than anyone else in this world…
And if best friends can’t find perfect matches for each other…
Who can?
I smile wanly…
And pray that Dylan doesn’t sense the truth:
That *he’s* my perfect match…
And that’s why I haven’t dated all summer.
God, why did I have to go and fall for my bestie?
Dylan flashes me another adorable grin.
Just come on this date, Chelsea.
Tim is a fun guy.
You won’t regret going out with him.
I sigh.
Okay. Maybe if I started dating again…
I could move on from this stupid crush on Dylan.
Yeah, maybe this will work!
All right. I’m in.
Just as I say it…
Someone else pops up on our group call.
It’s Antonia, my doe-eyed, pretty new friend—
And the girl I fixed Dylan up with.
I paste on my best double-date grin.
Dylan, meet Antonia.
They smile in greeting…
And check each other out.
I keep grinning until my face almost breaks.
Dylan gets things started.
Hey Antonia. Chelsea said you two met at the beach.
Yeah. I really love it there.
I do, too.
I mean, I’m going to major in marine biology in college…
So I guess it kind of goes with the territory.
Antonia’s eyes get dreamy.
A marine biologist?
Wow. You must be really smart.
She’s flirting.
It’s excruciating.
But Dylan is only smiling at her politely…
So that makes this torture slightly more bearable.
Did Chelsea tell you she’s majoring in marine biology, too?
No, she didn’t.
I shrug.
Dylan and I both want to go to UCSD.
We’ve been planning it since we were kids.
Haven’t we, Chels?
Yup, ever since fourth grade.
Dylan and I smile at each other…
And, for a moment, it’s like the world disappears.
But as I tear my gaze away…
I know it’s all just in my head.
But then Antonia’s smile dims.
Gosh, that was weird.
What was?
That look between you two.
She laughs.
Maybe you guys should be on this date…
Dylan and I pause…
Then laugh.
No way. We’re just friends.
Yeah. Totally just…friends.
But the way he says it seems…odd.
Before I can mull that over…
Another person pops up on the screen.
This time, it’s my date:
He’s got blond hair and a charming smile.
Sorry I’m late.
His eyes search the screen.
Then his smile grows.
Wow, Chelsea?
He fist pumps.
Nice work setting me up, Dylan!
Gosh, he sure seems eager.
And as Tim keeps looking at me with googly eyes…
Dylan narrows his own gaze.
If I didn’t know any better…
I’d say he was jealous.
Tim leans closer to the screen.
Chelsea, I know this seems impulsive…
But let’s just skip this double date.
I mean, I’ve got Netflix and popcorn…
And a whole lot of other hot stuff at my house.
Tim grins impishly.
Dylan clears his throat.
What’s wrong?
You might want to slow your roll, man.
I told you Chelsea likes laid-back guys, not…
Tim lifts his hands.
Whoa, okay, Mr. Chastity Belt.
I think I know how to handle a date.
Dylan crosses his arms.
Antonia clears her throat.
Everyone blinks as if remembering that she’s still here.
Now I know something is going on with you two.
Like I said before…
You and Chelsea are into each other.
My eyes widen.
Dylan only frowns again.
You’re wrong, Antonia.
Chelsea and I are just—
Give me a break.
Ever since Tim got here…
You’ve been bristling like a porcupine.
And Chelsea, girl?
Just look at yourself.
Your cheeks go red every time Dylan even says something.
I look at the screen.
She’s right—
I’m as red as a beet.
Antonia huffs out a breath.
Tim, if you’re still offering Netflix and popcorn…
Give me a call.
Clearly I’m available tonight!
She hangs up, disappearing from the screen.
That leaves Tim.
He smiles at us.
Yeah, so…I think I’m gonna take her up on that.
You two kids have fun.
Then he’s gone, too.
Dylan and I just sit there.
His expression is unreadable.
Well, that was…interesting.
Yeah. Can you believe what Antonia said?
I mean, how ridiculous, right?
Dylan looks pained.
OMG, he’s thinking of a way to let me down easy.
I am about to be destroyed.
Numbly, I stand from my chair.
Let’s just forget Antonia said anything at all, okay?
Dylan pauses…
Then exhales.
Is that what you really want, Chelsea?
To forget?
Because I don’t want to.
My pulse thunders.
There’s something warm and breathtaking in Dylan’s eyes.
No, I don’t want to forget anything that just happened.
I’m actually glad we had this disastrous double date…
Because it made me realize that…
Well, I feel something for you, Chelsea.
As my knees give out…
I wilt into my chair, speechless.
Dylan looks intensely into the camera.
It all started when Antonia showed up.
She’s exactly the kind of girl I would’ve liked before.
But as I talked with her…
I suddenly realized that she wasn’t my kind of girl at all.
And then when Tim started flirting with you, I—
Dylan clenches his hands.
Something just snapped inside of me…
And I knew.
There’s so much I want to say…
But I’m too shocked to find the words.
And in the time it takes me to fumble around for them…
Dylan’s shoulders sink.
You’re not saying anything.
God, why didn’t I just shut my mouth?
As he buries his face in his hands…
I finally find my tongue.
He looks up with sad eyes.
I smile gently.
Do you know why I’ve been so sad this summer?
It’s because I was feeling something for you.
But I thought the situation was hopeless.
His gaze gets a little brighter.
Are you saying that…
You like me, too?
My smile wobbles.
Let’s just put it this way:
Whenever I’m around you…
My heart beats until I can’t hear anything else.
And whenever I’m not around you…
It feels like my heart doesn’t beat at all.
We look at each other…
Then laugh.
Oh my god, that was so corny.
No it wasn’t.
It was…perfect.
Even as my pulse leaps…
I still give him an unsure look.
Will you just promise me one thing, Dylan?
Even if things have changed with us…
Tell me we’ll always be friends.
He smiles.
That goes without saying.
After all…
We know each other better than anyone else in this world.
That means we belong together.
Dylan touches the screen…
Almost as if he’s touching me.
As I press my fingers to his, I feel our connection…
Knowing it truly won’t ever disappear.