Dzuma (Official) - Episode 3
by Preston Lang
You are going to die tonight.
Did Ana whisper Klamsa at that?
Because now I’m telling the truth.
You are both infected. You are both going to die.
Where is my Aunt Kate?
She can’t help you. And she was never honest with you.
She’s lied to you about everything.
Everything that happened in Poland.
You want to know what happened to your parents?
They got this disease and died of it?
Not exactly.
That’s what Kate told me.
Of course, she did. And that was a lie.
So what happened?
Remember Kate didn’t even tell you they were dead right away?
It took her a week to give you that.
She was trying to protect me.
And she was pretty broken up herself.
That means you can’t trust her.
But, my dear, you can trust me.
How did they die?
They were exposed to the disease in an infected village.
Then they sealed it off and killed everyone inside, including themselves.
They torched the place down to the ashes.
They were brave and selfless. Doesn’t that sound like them?
I don’t know.
Always running towards trouble, disease.
Of course, they’d sacrifice themselves.
It’s who they are. Who you are.
They saved millions of lives.
That’s what we need from you right now.
There are sleeping pills in the medicine cabinet.
You can go peacefully. You and Ana.
I don’t believe you.
I’m sure you’ve looked it up. The disease.
It wasn’t something we could contain.
It didn’t behave like an ordinary disease.
Maybe I’m not infected.
It’s not a risk we can take.
Like I said before — you are going to die today.
It’s not that bad to take sleeping pills.
Take the whole bottle.
You’ll get very tired. And that’ll be the end of it.
You’re killing your own daughter, too?
Do you understand the alternative?
Cities – entire nations - destroyed.
Casualties in the millions. Or billions.
And we wouldn’t even be saving you and Ana.
All we’d be doing for you would be condemning you both to a horrible death.
The disease destroys your lungs, rots out your skin.
But you stay lucid and alive to feel it the whole time.
If we tried to save you, we’d be giving you that.
Instead of a peaceful overdose.
And if you do it yourself, you’ll be a hero.
A hero, like your parents.
I don’t believe you.
I think you killed my parents.
No, we begged them not to do it.
Your Aunt Kate and my husband and me.
We begged them to reconsider.
But your parents were stronger than we were.
And now I understand them. I understand why they did what they did.
You can’t trade the tiny chance that a friend, a niece, or even a daughter will survive.
Not if the alternative is a pandemic — that would kill millions.
So you expect me to kill myself - and your daughter - with these?!
Why do I smell gasoline?
Because my husband sprayed the house with gasoline.
Regardless of how you die, the house will need to be incinerated.
Where is my Aunt Kate? I want to talk to her. Now!
She’s not making sense right now. But I assure you —
When all this is over, she’ll agree with me.
What the hell does that mean? And why do I smell smoke??
OMG – you’re burning the place down?!
You still have time. Take the pills.
You’re killing your own daughter!!
The two of you are already dead.
We are saving millions of lives.
Please just take the pills.
I want you to feel good about yourself.
What does that even mean??! You are completely insane!
Your mother called us you know…
When it was just the two of them left inside – your mom and your dad.
Everyone else was already dead. They were just about to finish the job.
I could hear it in her voice — the pride, the certainty.
She said to me: I pity those who will never have the chance to do something great.
One hour later
Aunt Kate. Are you there?
Please. I need you.
I’m at least a mile away from the house now.
I heard gunshots as I left. The house was burning.
They tried to kill me. They’re crazy.
Are you okay?
Where are you now?
I’m in the woods. Pretty far in.
Stay there. I’ll come to you.
Where are the Kelbs?
I’ve taken care of them.
Am I going to get sick?
I don’t know.
Will I infect you?
Don’t worry about that.
We’ll stay far away from people.
If we survive, the disease should end with us.
What do I do about the child?
You brought the child?!
No, Gina. No.
I couldn’t leave her! She would have burned to death.
You’re carrying her with you now?
Is there something nearby like a rock?
What do you mean?
Aunt Kate?
Are you still there?
A few days later
Aunt Kate.
I hope you’re all right.
I found an old barn out here in the woods.
Kept us dry. Then I got sick.
It’s a strange disease. You see things and you hear things.
For a while I felt like I was buried deep in the earth.
I thought I was probably dead.
But I knew I’d be able to trust you, if I got out.
I kept hearing something: Zabije wszystkich.
I don’t know what it means.
I think Ana was whispering it to me.
Or maybe I imagined it.
Then I feel like I saw the words—painted in the sky.
She’s fine. Ana is.
I don’t know how she survived.
I was out for three days, maybe four?
I brought water and a loaf of bread.
She hasn’t touched the bread.
But she looks good. Better than I do, I’m sure.
I feel all right, but — not exactly normal.
Please tell me you’re all right.
Aunt Kate! Where are you? Are you all right??
I’m sorry. This is not Kate Sullivan.
We recovered this phone from the crime scene.
What crime scene? Where is my Aunt Kate?!
This is her niece, Gina?
Yes. Where is she?
Where are you?
I’m not sure…
Where is my aunt?
Keep your phone on, and we’ll locate you.
Ok… But please tell me where my Aunt Kate is?!
Your aunt was involved in a triple homicide.
We believe that she killed Mr. And Mrs. Kelb…
And then took her own life.
Had she been acting strange lately?
Showing signs of mental illness?
No, nothing like that at all.
Well, clearly she was deeply delusional.
She was the most sensible person I’ve ever known.
I’ll let you see what she was thinking, just before she killed the Kelbs.
These are texts that never got through to you:
The child is the disease. She will destroy us all.
Kill her now, while you have the strength.
It’s the small children who can’t be stopped.
I’ll come to you.
If we survive together, the disease should end with us.
But we must kill Ana!
This is what was going through her mind.
Clearly she was not well.
How long has she been like this?
Gina, are you still there?
I understand this may be a lot to take in right now.
We’ll have your location soon and we can pick you up.
You said that the child is with you?
We have your location now.
It shouldn’t be long until someone can pick you up.
Are you all right?
Hello, Gina?
Zabije wszystkich
What are you saying?
Zabije wszystkich.
You will kill everyone?
That’s what you’re saying to a police officer?
After your aunt just committed a triple homicide?
What does this mean, Gina?
Gina nie ma
Why are you saying that Gina is gone?
Where is she? Where are you??
Gina nie ma
Then who is this?
Zabije wszystkich.