Hot Mess
by EJ Leonard
Hey! Pick up the phone!! It’s an emergency.
A real emergency or did you forget where you put your lipstick again
Remember that hot guy from religious studies class I told you about?
I saw him tonight
And things got a little complicated
Don’t tell me I have to travel out to the middle of some bog in the woods again to pick your ass up...
like when you were with that other guy
Nope, but I will need you at the Bellefonte police station.
Oh Jesus Christ, WHAT DID YOU DO!?
Bitch, I’m side-eyeing you right now.
Please, just go in my room, you’re going to need money to bail me out...
Just go under the mattress
Tell me what happened while I look
So hot Adam from religious studies comes into the diner tonight.
I thought you had the Mardis Gras party tonight??
Well yeah, I went to that too, and showed up to work drunk in Mardis Gras beads...
So just as I was about to spit in this douchie frat guy’s food...
I look up and see him walk in.
He shoots me this gorge smile, and waves hi.
And just as I’m about to walk over to flirt it up with all my liquid courage -
in walks his Mom, Dad, and sister too.
Fred seats them, and I beg him to have their table so I can continue to charm them all.
His sister is impervious to this.
She’s also a rugby player, built like one of these:
Anyway, we banter a little bit about religious studies class...
and he ASKS me in front of his parents that maybe we should go get coffee.
I’m SO EXCITED, except that his sister shoots daggers at me...
and at that point I think probably because she has some weird Flowers in the Attic beneath the surface sexual shit with him.
He is hot. I would. But I digress
Yes, you’re digressing a lot.
Anyway, I take their food order, go out for a smoke, stare at him for a bit from the kitchen...
and then his sister walks over to me, and says “You really don’t remember me do you?”
I cock my head like a confused household pet, then it hits me...
She’s the roommate of that guy I made out with, drunk...
where we knocked over a candle and burned the living room down...
and also apparently her Star Wars collection that I never compensated her for.
I tell her that I saved her from a sexless existence with that.
She did not take it very well.
Oh Geez. So you got in a fight???
It doesn’t end there.
Oh Lord...
Anyway, then I go get their food.
I’m still totally drunk at this point.
And as I’m loading the big tray with their order...
I tell Lucas the Line Cook how I don’t know how I ever manage to carry these trays out when I have the arm strength of a muppet.
As I’m saying this, my arm buckles, and his entire family’s food cascades to the floor that has not been cleaned since 1974.
In my drunken haze, I’m too embarrassed to go tell them this...
so I ask Fred if he’ll finish things out with them, while I go on my break
(and have some shots of tequila at Gino’s Grille)
Anyway, he does, but I fail to mention that I never told them I dropped their food.
Well, as I come back, an ambulance is pulling away.
When I go inside, I get charged by the sister yelling at me that the Dad was diabetic and had some sort of attack...
because he needed to eat food.
I say, that maybe he should’ve brought some crackers.
She goes to hit me, I dodge, and run.
She chases me through the kitchen, into the back, where I steal Fred’s car keys, and hop into his VW bug.
I look in my rearview to see that I’m getting away, before I run up a curb, and straight into a parked cop car.
As I’m being taken away by the cops, we pass the front of the diner, where hot guy from class is standing.
I make the call me sign to him, because I think maybe we’ll still have that date...
but he gives me the finger in response.
Now I need you to bail me out.
And bring extra cash to give the guard, since he let me use the phone under a condition of $100.
You are a HOT MESS!
Yes, we know this.
EVERYBODY knows this.
So did you find the money under my mattress?
I did...
I also found a silver dress I thought I lost.
And a letter from my ex-boyfriend Josh, with a naked sketch of you?
Listen, I can explain that...
Oh?? How about you tell me after you get out.
On your own.
NO NO NO NO NO, Don’t do that Mar! I swear nothing really happened!!
Have fun being someone’s prison bitch while I stay in the apartment all by myself for a little while.