Like a Movie - Episode 1
by Nicole Carlotti
I thought that going out and seeing a funny movie in the theater would cheer me up.
I was wrong.
I sit by myself, crying softly in the dark…
While everyone else around me laughs.
I’m so in my own head…
That I don’t even realize when the movie ends…
And people start to file out.
Eventually, I look around.
The movie theater is empty…
Except for one guy a few rows in front of me.
I can’t help but notice that his ears really stick out.
My eyes stay locked on him as he gets up.
He catches me staring at him.
Well, this is awkward.
I slouch down in my seat, pretending to be absorbed in the credits.
He starts walking up the aisle closest to me.
I squint earnestly ahead at the screen.
I can sense him looking at me.
As he’s about to pass me…
He stops.
Come on.
The movie wasn’t that bad, was it?
I momentarily forget that I have dried tear streaks on my face.
His lips form into a small smile.
Clearly, he knows I wasn’t crying because of the movie…
Which wasn’t sad at all.
I pull a tissue out of my purse and blow my nose loudly.
Are you trying to cheer me up?
Don’t waste your time.
Nothing you can do will make me feel better.
Try me.
What’s your name?
Okay, Jacob.
I’m Stella. I just finished my junior year of high school.
And my father just landed his dream job…
1,000 miles from here.
So I’m moving after this summer…
And I’ll have to spend my senior year of high school…
Surrounded by complete strangers.
I search Jacob’s face, expecting a look of sympathy.
But instead, he laughs.
What’s so funny?!
It comes out angrily.
Jacob sits down, leaving a seat between us.
My guard goes up at a stranger sitting so close to me.
He doesn’t seem to notice.
Try this one:
Your parents get divorced.
Your mom moves back to her childhood town…
Bringing you along for the ride.
And here I am, sitting in a movie theater alone…
Two months before my senior year.
Well…I wasn’t expecting that!
So…you just moved here?
Yep. What’s your excuse for going to the movies alone?
This time, I detect a hint of flirtation.
I soften.
I thought a comedy would make me laugh.
But that didn’t happen.
Jacob pauses for a moment.
The way I see it, you have two options.
And those are?
One, you can be miserable for the entire summer…
Thinking about what’s to come.
I nod. That’s exactly what I had been planning to do.
Or two, you can make this the best summer of your life.
What’s it gonna be?
He stands up expectantly.
My, is he tall.
And his ears somehow add to his charm.
He holds out his hand to me.
I can make out his lean bicep through his shirt.
How can I say no to such a gorgeous being?
You win.
I sigh and take his hand.
I’ll try to have the best summer of my life.
I say it with a noticeable lack of enthusiasm…
Which Jacob counters with determination.
I’ll make sure of it.
Jacob lives up to his word.
The next two months fly by.
They’re filled with bonfires at the beach with Jacob and all of my friends…
With ice cream cones that we eat sitting on the hood of Jacob's car…
With pool parties where we splash each other playfully.
Jacob fits right in with my group of friends.
A sad irony, since I won’t be there to hang out with them senior year.
Before I know it, it’s the last week of August…
The week we move.
Our car is packed.
A moving truck waits in our driveway.
Jacob and I sit on the stairs of my front porch as my parents do their final check of the house.
As we savor our last moments together…
I can tell that Jacob is trying to be brave…
But I know he’s sad, too.
Last week, in a moment of rationality, we agreed to go our separate ways…
So we can each have a “fresh start” during our senior years.
But as I sit here staring at him…
I want to take it all back.
And by the look on his face…
I think he feels the same.
I can’t stop the tears from escaping my eyes and streaming down my face.
Of course I developed feelings for Jacob this summer.
But our relationship was over before it even began.
My parents come out of the house.
We’re ready, honey.
She gives my shoulder a squeeze, and heads for the car.
I hug Jacob tightly.
I’m heartbroken.
I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and run to the car before I start crying.
He stands in our driveway, watching us drive away.
1 year later
I choose a parking spot and pull in.
I walk to the movie theater and open the door to the entrance.
I feel a bit self-conscious going to see a movie alone.
But I’m a freshman…
And I just moved into my dorm at college…
And my roommate doesn’t arrive until tomorrow.
So I don’t know anyone.
I’m in the line for popcorn when I notice a tall guy in front of me.
The way his ears stick out looks very familiar.
Could it be?
At that moment, the guy turns his head to the left.
I try to speak, but it comes out as a croak.
I pound my chest, clear my throat, and try again.
He turns around.
I haven’t seen or heard from Jacob since the day I moved.
I made him promise not to contact me…
Because it was just too painful.
But I never forgot about him.
What are you doing here?
I’m starting school at Fairfield University.
What are YOU doing here?
My heart rate speeds up with excitement.
I’m a freshman here, too.
Jacob’s face breaks out into a huge smile.
After a moment, a look of realization crosses his face.
He turns his head left, then right.
Are you here with anyone?
Nope. I’m alone.
What about you?
He grins again.
I mean, I just moved here and don’t know anyone yet, so…
I punch his arm playfully as he re-enacts the day we met.
Last summer comes rushing back to me…
And I hope we can pick up where we left off.
We sit down in the theater.
I’m still in shock that this is happening.
I whisper to him, gesturing back and forth between us.
This is like a movie.
It really is.
As the lights darken, Jacob whispers back to me.
Now, no crying this time.