Love, Virtually - Episode 10
by Jonathan Rosen
Who’s this?
Hi, sorry I’m texting you. I wasn’t even sure this number would work.
I asked who this was.
Oh, yeah. I’m sorry about that.
You’re not going to believe this, but this is Brandon.
How are you doing this? You can contact me out of the game now??
Not exactly. Like I said, I wasn’t even sure this was real. I’m still not sure, but I guess it was a good sign that you knew me.
What are you talking about? How are you contacting me out of the game?
So, all that was true, huh?
What’s going on? Why do you not seem like you?
I’m sorry. Believe me, I’m just as freaked out as you. I’ve never done anything like this before.
Like what?
I’m in the same time as you.
What?? How?
Well, the me from the future asked the me from now to contact you.
Are you kidding me??
Why would he do that? This is insane.
I kind of think he’s in love with you.
He can’t be in love with me. We barely know each other!
I don’t know, he sounded pretty convinced to me.
So, why did you go along with it?
What are you hoping to get out of this?
I don’t know. I guess I’m not expecting anything, but you could also say that I’m intrigued, about this fantastic mystery woman he kept talking about.
You’re just as crazy as he is.
Yeah, I have a feeling that we’re very similar. 😊
Brandon, I don’t know what he told you, but you need to drop this.
It’s a little late for that.
What do you mean?
It means, that right now, I just landed at JFK and I’m about to get off the plane.
Are you out of your mind??
Yeah, probably. But, here’s the thing. I kind of believe him too.
And there’s something about it that’s nagging at me.
I think he’s right. I just feel it. I don’t know what it is, but I feel it. I need to meet you.
You don’t even know me. At least he did a little! But, just barely.
Yeah, but what if he’s right? I had to take a chance. Leap of faith, he told me. I have to see for myself.
Brandon, please turn around and go home. You can’t do this to me now.
I’m getting married later today!!
I’m literally standing in my wedding dress to get ready for pictures!
Yeah, he told me. I guess the timing probably could’ve been a little better.
You think???
That’s why I got the first flight they had. Aren’t you at least a little curious?
Of course, I’m curious. But, what do you want me to do? Cancel my wedding for someone I’ve never met? How crazy is that?
And then what happens if we don’t like each other? Then, I’ve ruined things with someone who loves me.
But, you don’t love him.
That’s not true.
That’s not what I heard.
He told you that?
Yeah, but I can see it for myself too. If you did, you would’ve just told me goodbye instead of staying in this conversation.
You want to see for yourself too.
No, I don’t. I’m getting married today.
How about you push it back for an hour or two, to at least meet?
I can’t do that! People are coming!
I’m coming to you. I’m off the plane and getting an Uber.
Are you serious?? Brandon, go back! This is crazy!
I know. And I still have to do it. And the more we talk, the more I feel it.
I’m not waiting. You don’t understand. I’m getting married. Today! Don’t ruin it!
I know. I’m hoping you wait for me anyway. I’ll be there soon. And I’m really looking forward to seeing you.
Brandon, don’t!
One hour later
Jessica? I’m here.
At least I think it’s here. The Uber just dropped me off.
So, either speak to me, or you’ll have to get married in front of me. I’ll sit in the audience.
Oh, I know! When they ask if anyone objects, I can raise my hand and explain why!
I bet nobody will have ever heard a reason like mine before 😊
Okay, I’m walking toward the steps.
You’re killing me, Brandon. Turn around.
Two years later
You still suck at this game.
I saved you, didn’t I?
You got lucky once!
I got lucky more than once.
You’re very bad, I should let the trolls kill you.
You’d miss me too much.
Try me.
You can say whatever you want, we both know we’re each other’s destiny.
I’m never going to hear the end of that, am I?
I didn’t think so. So, how about this, Mr. Destiny. How about, we shut the game off and you come to bed?
Deal. With ideas like that, it’s no wonder you’re the best wife ever.
Guilty as charged. You coming in or not?
Yes, just ten seconds.
What’s in ten seconds?
Today is March 17th. The date when you told me we met in this time.
Is it really?? Well, Happy Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary. I love you, Jessica.
I love you too, Brandon.