Love, Virtually - Episode 5
by Jonathan Rosen
So, today’s the day I die, huh?
Stop saying that! You’re not going to die.
You don’t know that.
I’m staying with you. I’ll make sure nothing happens.
You’re two years and 3,000 miles away. What can you do?
Hopefully, I won’t have to do anything, but if something happens, I’ll figure it out.
Seriously, I do want to thank you for hanging out with me. It’s very sweet of you.
It’s no problem. I feel like I’m responsible for you, so I wanted to be here.
It’s not your fault. You were just telling me what you saw in the news.
Yeah, but I still wonder if I should have said anything. You know my thoughts on changing the future.
That part’s already done. I wish you’d stop worrying about it.
Yeah, if the universe explodes because of my messing with the timeline, no big deal.
The universe isn’t going to explode because of me. Are you really worried about that?
No. Well, not really. But, if it does, you’re worth it. 😊
Awww, destroying the universe is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me. You’re sweet.
We’re in this together. Did your work give you a hard time?
No. I can’t make this a habit, but they love me there. One day isn’t going to do anything. How about you? Is there any work you should be doing instead of babysitting me?
I have some deadlines, but they can wait.
Thank you.
Just curious. Did you ever say anything to your fiancé?
No, and I do feel a little guilty about it. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. He’s a really nice guy. I just don’t want to go into all of this with him right now.
I wasn’t thinking anything. It’s not my business. But, I’m not complaining about hanging out with you.
Yeah, there are worse things.
So, he didn’t ask why you were home?
He did. He actually offered to stay home and help take care of me.
He’s there?
No. If he stayed home, he’d be hovering all day, expecting me to sleep, and then I couldn’t be online playing games, and then I couldn’t be here hanging with you.
Wow. I’m honored.
Well, you’re the only one who could help me.
I do like chatting with you.
Ditto 😊
Anyway, what should we be doing?
I guess we might as well play the game while we wait. We’ll hopefully be here for hours.
You ready for me to kick your ass then?
I thought we were partners??
Yes, yes. Don’t cry. I’m still helping you.
I was going to say!
So, what’s the game plan? I take the left and you take the right?
You got it. Nothing like the smell of killing trolls and orcs in the morning.
OMG, I just realized. It’s REALLY morning by you, isn’t it?
Yeah, it’s 5 a.m. here.
I’m so sorry. You got up so early for me?
I told you, you’re worth it.
Really sweet. Especially, since I wouldn’t do it for you!
What can I tell you? I’m just nicer than you.
You just might be.
To your right!
Sorry, got it!
Wow, you really must be distracted if I have to save YOU!
Yeah, I’m scared.
You want to stop playing?
No. This helps keep my mind off of things. I’ll concentrate better.
Maybe I should set it to an easier level for you.
Don’t you dare! Besides, you can’t do that, can you?
I don’t think so. Once you’re past a certain point, there are no easy settings.
How are you feeling though?
If you’re asking if I feel dizzy or nauseous, or like I might have a heart attack, then no. Well, yes, but not in the “I’m going to die at any moment” type of thing.
I don’t blame you, but we’re still here and both of us going strong.
Wait a second. I don’t feel well.
Ha Ha. Very funny. Let’s not even joke like that today.
No, I’m really not kidding.
Something’s wrong.
What?? Tell me what’s going on.
Give me a minute. Everything’s spinning.
Maybe you should sit down.
I AM sitting down. I feel nauseous.
Call an ambulance!
You can’t play around today!! If you don’t feel right, you HAVE to call!
I said I’m calling 911.
Did you get through?
Yes, I’m onhold, IiIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij,
Please be okay!
Jessica, please answer.
Five minutes later
Jessica, please be there.
Three minutes later
You scared the hell out of me!!
Are you okay??
No, I’m not.
What’s wrong? Tell me! Did you get through to the ambulance?
The ambulance isn’t going to help me here.
Of course, it will! Try!
Brandon, listen to me! I’m in the game!
I mean it. I’m stuck in the game!
And I have no idea how to get out.