Unknown Caller - Episode 3
by Tamara Mataya
What do you want from me?
So you don’t deny it.
You seem to think you know everything.
Besides, does it really matter what I say? This is about YOU.
What do you want?
Other than to try and get to me, I want to know what you really want from this.
I want what everyone wants.
Just tell me.
Money? I don’t have much, but if you’re after cash…
Not money. Strange that money is your first thought.
Is that what YOU want from life?
How sad. There’s more to life than money, Kelly.
Then what do you want, if not to bribe or extort me?
I want you to FINISH OUR GAME.
What? Are you serious?
Deadly serious. Answer my last question or face the consequences.
This isn’t a game!
Everything’s a game. But some games are more dangerous than others.
This is my life, not some joke!
Your life is a joke. Answer.
I can’t remember your last question!
Have you ever seen a dead body?
Yes. Yes, I’ve seen a dead body.
Was it on Halloween?
Good girl. See how easy it is to tell the truth? Just like ripping off a bandage.
At first it’s painful, but then you get used to it.
Your turn.
Make it a good question.
Where did you get that picture?
I found it in the Cloud. It’s amazing what you can access when you’re tech savvy.
My turn. And remember, don’t lie.
Did you actually think you’d gotten away with it?
I try not to think about it.
Because you regret it even all this time later?
It’s MY turn.
Look who’s getting spunky…
Why are you doing this?
Now THAT is an interesting question.
This should be more helpful in figuring out who I am.
I’m doing this because you deserve it. And I want the truth to come out.
You seem really invested in this. It makes me think you knew her. Loved her.
Ask away, I’m an open book!
Did you know her or did you just happen to be there that night?
That’s two questions. But I’m feeling generous.
Yes to both.
You knew her and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Or the right place at the right time. They do say perception is reality.
I wish I knew why you were doing this.
Awww poor baby.
Tell you what…
You may have another turn since I’m SOOOOO far ahead of you.
What’s the point?
We already established this.
You’ve got everything in writing now.
I might as well call the cops myself.
Turn myself in and end this—whatever this is.
That’s what you’re going to do, isn’t it?
I don’t have everything I want.
Besides, even if you called the police…
No, it’s better you keep playing.
This was never about going to the police. And don’t you yell at me, bitch!
I’ve had a very long day.
Maybe I don’t care. Maybe I SHOULD go to jail.
There are worse things than going to jail, Kelly.
So you’d better play along…
You said you have black hair, blue eyes…an athletic build.
Violet had a brother.
Did she…
Tell me about him.
We met at orientation.
I noticed him.
What did you notice about him?
His eyes. And he had a nice smile. And the way he and Violet joked around…
Describe it.
It was annoying but also cute, like I knew they loved each other even though they gave each other shit.
Interesting. Did you find him attractive?
Don’t bother answering that.
Of course you did.
Was that the last time you saw him?
Don’t make me wait for your answers.
I’m on a tight schedule.
When was the last time you saw him?
He’s the one who packed up her things from our dorm.
He cried and I remember thinking that his eyes…
Oh God.
The description you gave of yourself.
You…it’s you.
I’m sorry, that’s not in the form of a question.
Are you Violet’s brother?
You look nervous.
How would you know?
I’m looking at you right now.
I’m calling the police!
Even if you called them RIGHT NOW
How fast do you think they could get here?
Half an hour?
Twenty minutes? Ten? Five?
A lot can happen in five minutes…
There’s a knock at Kelly’s door.
Trick or treat.
Stop. Please, if that’s you, please just leave me alone.
If that’s you, please don’t do this.
The doorbell rings.
Don’t you have any candy left?
Kelly tiptoes to the window and peeks through her blinds.
A figure in black, wearing a mask, stands in the shadows on her porch.
How did you find my house?
The doorbell rings again, and again, and again.