Morgan's Secret Admirer - Episode 1
by Ellen Goodlett
Why are there a dozen balloons tied to my chair?
I freeze outside of my homeroom classroom, staring…
The shiny gold and silver balloons stare back at me.
I turn to my best friend, Liam.
Is that MY seat?
Our classmates are whispering and pointing.
One girl snaps a picture.
I blush, and my heart starts to beat faster.
Who did this?
Liam points.
Look! One of the balloons says something.
He’s right.
In the middle of the swarm, there’s an extra-large gold balloon with ‘POP ME’ written on it in black Sharpie.
And sitting in the middle of my desk is a single silver needle.
I pick it up, glancing around the classroom—
Conscious that everyone’s eyes are on me.
It’s scary, but also…
Here goes nothing.
I stick the needle into the gold balloon.
It pops with a deafening BANG! that makes me gasp, then laugh.
As it bursts, confetti rains down…
And a single piece of paper flutters out.
I catch it mid-air.
Then glance up at Liam, who nods encouragingly.
Read it!
With one last look around the room, I sit down and read:
“Morgan, you don’t know me…”
“But I feel like I know you.”
“Or at least, I want to.”
“I hope these balloons make you smile…”
“Which is something you’ve been making me do for quite a while.”
“We share a class together, which is fate…”
“I can’t wait to take you on a date.”
It’s signed: “Your Secret Admirer.”
My mouth hangs open.
I am in pure and utter shock.
Liam leans over my shoulder.
There’s something written on the back, too.
I turn the note over and read:
“P.S. — Just so you know, I’m not some random weirdo…I told Liam who I am 😀”
I whip my head up and lock eyes with my best friend.
Who sent this?
Liam just grins and plops into his usual seat next to mine.
I can’t just TELL you…
That would ruin all the fun!
I narrow my eyes.
Speaking of fun…
I guess this is as good of a time as any.
Liam reaches behind his back, then proudly produces an ugly, red zipper pouch.
Happy birthday!
Smiling, he hands it to me—
And my mouth gapes open once again.
Is this a…pencil case?
Because your old one broke!
I love Liam.
I really do.
We’ve been next door neighbors — and instant best friends — since we were little.
But sometimes I wish he were a little less…pragmatic.
At least when it comes to presents.
He looks so excited about the gift, though, so I can’t complain.
I just laugh and lean over, giving him a tight hug.
Liam blushes slightly, then smiles back at me.
So…you’re seriously not gonna tell me who my secret admirer is?
Liam tilts his chair back on 2 legs, clearly amused.
I’ll give you a hint. It’s 1 of the 3 guys you’re always talking about.
You know. Your *crushes du joir*.
My stomach flips.
Someone that I like…likes me back?!
This is a first.
I reread the note.
“We share a class together…”
I give Liam an exasperated look.
I have classes with all 3 of the guys I like.
So that doesn’t narrow it down.
Liam breaks into a smug grin.
He’s enjoying this way too much.
You really aren’t going to give me a better clue?
How am I supposed to figure this out?
I guess you’ll have to actually TALK to the guys you’ve been silently crushing on.
My face pales.
I…I can’t do that.
Why not?
I’m too shy.
Liam snorts.
You’ve never been shy around me.
Or quiet, for that matter.
I roll my eyes.
That’s different.
I’m shy around guys with romantic potential, okay?
Liam’s eyes flash with something indiscernible.
Hurt, maybe?
But before I have time to question it—
The bell rings, and I practically leap out of my seat.
My mind races as I make my way out of the classroom.
I can’t talk to those guys!
They’re all handsome, popular, attractive, and smart.
They’re way too intimidating.
Liam, however, isn’t about to let me off that easy.
He trails me into the hallway.
How are you ever going to find a boyfriend if you can’t even talk to a guy you like?
Maybe I don’t want a boyfriend.
Maybe I enjoy just daydreaming about it.
Liam scoffs.
The Morgan *I* know doesn’t scare this easily.
He grabs my elbow to stop me in the middle of the hallway.
Look. There’s Antoine.
He’s one of your crushes, right?
The knot in my stomach turns to lead as I follow his gaze.
Sure enough, Antoine DeLaney is across the hall from us, rooting through his locker.
Antoine’s the lead singer of The Dreadnoughts, a local band.
He’s your stereotypical tall, dark, and handsome artist…
With the kind of hair any boy band wannabe would kill for.
What is it you always say about him?
‘He’s so creative and passionate, he’d make the most romantic boyfriend…’
I elbow Liam in the ribs to get him to stop imitating my voice—
Mortified at the thought of Antoine overhearing us.
Stop it.
I will…
If you talk to him.
He rests a hand on my shoulder and catches my eye.
Life’s about taking chances. You win some, you lose some…
But you’ve gotta take them in the first place, or you aren’t living.
I allow his words to sink in.
Liam knows me inside out.
So he knows just as well as I do that I’ve always played it safe.
And where has that gotten me?
I look into his earnest, pleading eyes.
Come on, Morgan.
Really, what’s the worst that could happen?
Okay, fine, you win.
I walk toward Antoine’s locker…
My fear growing by the second.
When I’m steps away from Antoine, I glance back at Liam…
Hoping to gain some courage from his kind eyes.
He gives me a reassuring thumbs-up…
So I turn back around and walk right up to my crush.
He shuts his locker and turns to look at me, eyebrows raised.
He doesn’t say anything—
He just looks at me with soulful, brown eyes.
My mouth goes dry at the unexpected silence…
And I feel like I’m going to puke.
But I force myself to breathe.
And remember what Liam said:
“Life’s about taking chances.”
Do you want to get lunch together sometime maybe?
I say it so fast all the words jumble together.
Sorry, what was that?
I clear my throat and try again — slower this time.
Um, I asked if maybe you wanted to grab lunch together…later today…
I trail off as he frowns at me, his gaze traveling up and down my body.
I feel self-conscious.
But also…excited?
Could my secret admirer be standing in right front of me?
I have to practice with the band over lunch period.
My heart plummets.
Guess it’s not Antoine.
Oh. Okay, no problem — I understand.
Dejected, I’m about to walk away when his sultry voice stops me.
You could come along, if you want.
My eyes go wide.
I’d love that.
Antoine smiles, and my knees go weak.
Cool. Meet you back here at noon?
Barely able to mask my excitement, I nod.
See you then.
I spin away, giddy and grinning.
But when I go to flash Liam a thumbs-up, the spot where he was standing is now empty.
Antoine brings me to the band’s ‘studio’ — a trailer in the school’s back lot.
Back in the day, the A/V room was used to broadcast our school’s daily announcements…
But it’s since morphed into a maze of speakers, instruments, and amplifiers.
There are band posters stuck all over the walls, though none I recognize.
A haphazard string of bare bulbs and Christmas lights provide multicolored ambiance.
I nearly trip on a cord while stepping inside, and Antoine catches my arm.
I blush, but he just smiles.
It’s a bit of a maze.
Here, I’ll make a spot for you.
I watch him set up a folding chair near a drum set and various guitars.
His bandmates haven’t arrived yet.
It’s just us in this darkened room.
So, Morgan, right?
He knows my name.
Maybe he *is* my secret admirer after all.
What kind of music do you like?
All kinds. But lately, my friend Liam and I have been really into The Splinters.
Antoine’s nose wrinkles in disgust.
Ugh, you listen to that pop trash?
My face flushes.
I know they’re mainstream.
But trash? Really?
I clear my throat, hoping to turn this around.
Well, it’s not like they’re my absolute favorite or anything…
Totally a lie. But Antoine’s staring at me like I’m an idiot.
Um…what about you, what do you listen to?
I’m very particular when it comes to sound.
Lately I’ve been really enjoying lowercase.
Oh, cool! I’ve never heard of them…should I check out their album?
The comment earns me another long stare.
It’s not a band.
Lowercase is a musical genre.
It’s all about ambient minimalism, taken to the extreme.
I feel dumber than ever.
But at least there’s no time to dwell on it—
Antoine’s bandmates start to filter in.
I lean back in my chair and watch them exchange fist bumps.
Then Antoine picks up a guitar, while another guy takes the bass.
A third sets up behind the drums, and they all start to tune their instruments.
I fidget in my seat, trying to not to watch the clock.
Lunch period ends in 15 minutes…
And the band hasn’t played a single song yet.
At least the view of Antoine is nice.
He looks so focused as he tunes—
Totally immersed in the notes.
It’s hard not to stare at his long fingers picking at the strings.
Or the way his hair falls into his eyes.
All right, let’s start with 'Monster Zone.'
I don’t even have time to brace myself.
All at once, sound erupts—
The guitars and drums a cacophonous assault on my eardrums.
Antoine leans into the microphone and whispers lyrics…
Speaking so low and raspy that I can’t hear over the rest of the noise.
I grip the edges of my chair and grit my teeth.
It takes effort not to cover my ears.
Thankfully, the audio onslaught doesn’t last long.
Stop, stop, stop.
He shakes his head, glaring at his bandmates.
Jeff, you’re out of tune.
And Danny, you’re at least 3 beats behind.
Can you please get your crap together?
Seriously. How many times have we practiced this riff?
I bite my lip, my chest flooding with secondhand embarrassment.
Antoine rolls his eyes.
Again, from the top.
The noise begins once more.
And to be honest…it sounds exactly the same as before.
Another beat later and Antoine’s waving his arms.
Danny, what are you DOING?!
Antoine marches over to the drums and snatches a stick from his friend.
It’s like this.
ONE two three, ONE two three.
He plays the beat exaggeratedly slow, as if teaching a child.
It’s demeaning.
And I’ve seen enough.
Even if Antoine DID send those balloons…
I wouldn’t want to date a guy like him.
If this is how he treats his FRIENDS…
How would he treat a girlfriend?
The band starts playing again, and I reach under my chair to gather my things.
When I stand up, Antoine stops them for a third time.
Hold on a second.
He sets down his guitar and jogs toward me.
Where are you going?
We haven’t even gotten to my best riffs yet.
I’ve heard enough. Besides, I’ve got to get to class.
I start to make my way toward the door.
Don’t you want to hear some good music for once?
I freeze right next to the exit.
Good music?!
I laugh.
You know, my taste may be basic…
But I’d take The Splinters over this noise any day.
As the door swings shut behind me, I catch the sound of Antoine’s bandmates laughing.
Well, that was a disaster.
But at least I learned:
Creativity doesn’t necessarily equal good dating potential.
I hurry through the back lot and into the school building.
As I round the corner toward my next class, I run into someone headlong.
2 hands catch my shoulders and brace me.
I look up into a familiar face, and my stomach flips all over again.
Whoa, what’s the rush?
It’s Sam, the resident school bad boy…
And another one of my 3 current crushes
Well, I guess 2 current crushes now.
I have my next class with him…
Could he be my secret admirer?
He grins at me, like he knows a secret.
Like he could’ve been the one to send me the balloons.
My heart skips.
Sorry, I…
Part of me wants to run away.
But another part remembers what Liam told me:
“Life’s about taking chances.”
I take a deep breath.
I normally don’t do this kind of thing, but…
Do you want to grab ice cream or something?
After school?
Sam’s grin remains fixed in place, but he raises an eyebrow, leaning in a little closer to me.
Unless I’m imagining things, he seems interested.
Why not right now?
I lick my lips nervously.
His eyes drop to my mouth and linger there.
But I — we — have class right now.
Sam arches an eyebrow.
Skip it.
He gestures toward the far side of the hallway, where the doors lead to the back parking lot.
I was just about to.
I-I’ve never skipped class before.
There’s a first time for everything.
My mind races.
What would Liam say?
“If you don’t take chances, are you really living?”
I start to smile.
Okay. Sure.
Nothing wrong with a little misbehavior every now and then, right?
I blush as soon as the words leave my mouth.
Who even says that?
But Sam just grins and touches my shoulder…
Gently steering me toward the exit.
The feel of his hand against my bare skin makes tingles erupt all over my body.
That’s my motto.
He opens the door to the parking lot for me, and his hand grazes the small of my back.
My breath catches.
Okay, Antoine may have been a disaster, but this…
*This* is what a crush should feel like.
All adrenaline and butterflies and—
Oh god, is that yours?
Sam has stopped beside an honest-to-god motorcycle.
He beams.
Meet my baby. I call her Veronica.
He runs a hand over the polished paint.
It’s jet black with orange flames on the sides.
Um…is there space for 2?
Sam pats the tiny back seat.
It’s a scant scrap of plastic above the rear tire.
He swings a leg over the bike, and offers me a hand.
I hesitate.
Do you have an extra helmet or anything?
Sam rolls his eyes.
Do you trust me or not?
I wince.
Then glance over my shoulder at school as the bell rings.
I’d be late for class, but I could still go back…
Liam’s voice echoes in my head again.
“Life’s about taking chances.”
Screw it. I’m in.
Don’t you dare kill me.
I climb onto the bike behind Sam.
It feels even more precarious than I’d anticipated.
Especially when he revs the engine.
Hold on!
He doesn’t have to tell me twice.
I wrap my arms around him and squeeze with all my might.
He laughs.
Relax. I know what I’m doing.
And with that, we pull away from the curb.
Sam’s motorcycle is racing so fast through the streets, I barely have time to scream.
But I do scream, loudly, into his back as I hold on for dear life.
Sam laughs and I can feel the vibration through his chest.
My hair whips behind me.
With every bump, the seat rattles beneath me.
I hate this — I’m legitimately scared.
But I try to remind myself that I’m taking a chance.
This is what life is all about, right?
Yet I can’t shake the feeling that chance-taking shouldn’t feel this painful.
Finally, we park in front of an ice cream stand.
I practically leap off the bike the second we stop.
Ow…you didn’t warn me the bumps would hurt so much.
I rub my butt.
Sam just laughs.
Yeah, you trade comfort for speed with this baby.
He pats his motorcycle with a grin.
Well, I’d take comfort any day.
Sam leads me toward the ice cream stand.
At least there’s no line—
The advantage of skipping school in the middle of the day.
We walk to the counter.
1 chocolate for me.
And I’ll have a vanilla, 2 scoops.
Sam pays for his cone first, then leans against the wall to watch as I count out change for mine.
So. You want to misbehave, huh?
I blush, thinking back to what I said before we left school:
“Nothing wrong with a little misbehavior every now and then.”
I cringe internally.
I don’t know why I said that.
I take my ice cream cone and start walking toward some nearby benches.
Sam follows.
Sounds like you want to try something different.
He leans in close when he says this — his lips brushing my ear.
I swallow hard and lean away, taking a lick of the ice cream.
Sam’s hot — no question about it — and the whole bad boy thing is sexy.
But how well do I really know him?
He studies my expression, then laughs and backs away.
He finishes his cone, then tosses his napkin on the ground right beside the trash can.
Come on, I’m bored. Let’s go for another joy ride.
You can’t just drop that there.
I lean down to pick up his trash.
He raises an eyebrow.
You’re a goody two-shoes, aren’t you?
I don’t litter, if that’s what you mean.
I throw his trash in the can.
As I turn back toward Sam, he stops me, draping an arm across my shoulders.
My breath catches in my throat.
So the hot good girl decides she wants to be bad for a day…
I like that.
OMG…he thinks I’m hot.
His gaze dips to my mouth.
He leans in closer.
I forget about the trash—
About the wild motorcycle ride.
All I can think about is this sexy guy, about to kiss me…
He grins, devilish, his mouth inches from mine.
God, my girlfriend would be so pissed if she caught us like this.
I push him back, horrified.
You have a GIRLFRIEND?
Sam tilts his head, looking confused.
I thought you knew that.
I thought you wanted to try misbehaving for once.
Misbehaving as in, I wanted to skip class! To live a little…
Not kiss a guy with a GIRLFRIEND.
I storm away.
Sam calls after me:
So…that’s a no on the joy ride, then?
I roll my eyes without turning around, and start my long walk back to school.
It’s late by the time I arrive.
School has already let out, so I get in my car and drive home.
The commute gives me time to reflect.
I skipped half my classes today, and all I have to show for it are 2 of the worst dates…ever.
I park in my driveway, get out of the car, and let out a loud, exasperated sigh.
How’d it go with Antoine?
I startle, then spot Liam lounging on his front porch swing.
I groan.
That bad, huh?
I walk across the lawn to Liam, and plop down beside him on the swing.
Horrible. Though, not as awful as my date with Sam.
Liam looks impressed.
Hang on, did you skip class…
To go on a DATE with Sam Hitchins?
I nod.
Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?
Believe me, I would have rather been in trig class.
Oof. Hopefully it’s nothing a hug can’t fix?
He holds out his arm, and I lean into the half-hug gratefully.
I wish I’d stuck to just daydreaming about these guys.
Real dating sucks.
My voice is muffled by his shoulder.
What can I do to make you feel better?
Ugh. I need to wipe today from my memory…
Let’s go to the treehouse and listen to The Splinters all night.
I twist my head to peer up at him.
By the way, The Splinters are pop trash, I’ve been informed.
Liam laughs.
Okay, first off, screw whoever said that.
And second, before you give up on dating just yet, I think there’s something you should see.
He sits up and points toward my house next door.
I stand and notice what I failed to spot before.
A huge bouquet of red roses sits on my doorstep.
You’re about to figure out who is behind all of this!
Don’t you want your big rom-com moment?
My heart skips.
For a split second, I wonder…
Was it Liam?
I peer at him, trying to gauge the expression on his face.
Who are those from?
You only had crushes on 3 guys, Morgan.
And you just told me you went out with 2 today.
So, by process of elimination…
My face flushes.
Of course it wasn’t Liam.
That’s ridiculous.
We’re just friends.
We’ve always been friends.
It takes another second for the realization to hit.
You’re saying my secret admirer…is DERECK?
Dereck, the captain of the football team?
Dereck, our class president?
Dereck, the guy who every girl in school has been head over heels in love with since, like, 6th grade?!
Okay, EVERY girl might be an exaggeration…
Sorry. Every girl with eyeballs who’s interested in boys.
Liam snorts.
You sure know how to make a guy feel special.
I elbow him.
Come on, you know what I mean.
I’m not saying you AREN’T a catch, it’s just…
Liam looks bemused.
It’s just Dereck is the ultimate one. I get it.
He’s hot, he’s smart, he’s funny…
And he did all this for me?
So apparently, he has great taste in women, too.
I hesitate.
Am I imagining things?
Is Liam…flirting with me?
But Liam just smiles, holding my gaze.
Dereck wants you to meet him at that fancy new French place in town.
That’s what the note in those roses says.
He points again toward my porch.
So, what do you say, Morgan?
Do you still want to give up on dating?
I bite the inside of my lip and lean in closer to my best friend.
Our eyes lock…
But his face gives nothing away.
We can spend the night in the treehouse listening to our favorite band like we always do.
OR you can go on a date with the most popular guy in school.
Up to you.
Yep — I was totally imagining that Liam was flirting with me.
If he liked me, he wouldn’t send me off to chase another guy.
I force a smile.
Fine. I get it. I need to take chances, right?
And hopefully, third time’s the charm.
Liam raises his eyebrows.
Is my loud, opinionated best friend actually listening to my expert advice for once?
I may die of shock.
I elbow him.
Any tips on what to wear tonight, life coach?
Sorry, you’re on your own there.
Ladies’ fashion is the limit of my expertise.
What kind of best friend are you, then?
We both laugh as I jog toward my house…
I turn back to Liam before stepping inside—
And wink at him over my shoulder.
I’ll let you know how it goes!
When I get to the restaurant, Dereck’s already out front.
He’s dressed in a suit.
And carrying a single red rose.
My face flushes as I reach him.
Before I can say a word, he reaches for me and tucks the rose behind my ear.
Happy birthday, Morgan.
He leans in…
And kisses me on the lips.
My heart goes crazy.
I sink into the kiss.
It’s everything I should want.
Soft and slow and sweet.
Like I’m in a movie.
When we finally break apart, I’m breathless and smiling.
I’ve wanted to do that for weeks.
My cheeks turn bright pink.
I…thank you. For the balloons. And all the flowers.
Nobody’s ever done anything this romantic for me.
Dereck grins.
I thought you’d like it.
He opens the door for me and I step past him into the candle-lit restaurant.
He’s reserved us a private table in the back, near a small indoor pond.
I’ve never been anywhere this fancy.
When we reach our table, Dereck even pulls out my chair for me.
Once we’re both seated, he looks deep into my eyes.
You look so beautiful tonight.
I blush.
But before I can think of what to say next…
Dereck stops a passing waiter and hands over his phone.
Can you take a picture of us?
He reaches across the table and grabs my hand.
I glance at our entwined fingers.
I only remember to look up and smile right before the camera flashes.
The server hands Dereck back his phone and steps away.
What was that for?
So I can Instagram the first date I went on with the girl I plan to take to prom.
He winks.
I frown a little.
But prom is still months away.
How do you already know you want to date me for that long?
He smiles, unfazed.
When you know, you know.
But…I mean. We don’t. Know each other, that is.
He waves a dismissive hand.
We have plenty of time to get to know each other before then.
Right. Of course.
I smile back, still uncertain.
Then the waiter reappears with a tray of food.
Oh, wrong table.
We haven’t ordered yet.
Ignoring me, the waiter starts to set our places.
I already ordered for us.
The best things on the menu.
The waiter serves me first. A giant plate of fish.
With the head still on—
Eyes and everything.
My stomach churns.
Across from me, Dereck smiles as the waiter sets a similar plate in front of him.
Something wrong?
My face flushes.
It’s just, uh…I don’t eat fish.
His eyebrows go up.
I’m sorry.
No problem. We’ll just send it back.
He waves for the waiter.
Can we swap this for the steak?
I lean forward to intercept the waiter.
Actually, may I see a menu?
I glance at Dereck.
I’d like to decide for myself.
He tilts his head, still looking confused, but he nods.
Okay. No problem.
A blink later, his easy smile returns.
I’ll remember that next time.
I force a smile back.
How is he already so sure there will be a next time?
He’s probably just used to every girl in school fawning over him.
Though my plate remains empty, Dereck digs into his food.
My stomach growls.
This might be a weird question, but…
What do you like about me?
Dereck stops eating.
His forehead knits, like he’s never considered it.
Well, besides the fact that you’ll look gorgeous on my arm in pictures…
He chuckles at his own comment.
I like how easygoing you seem.
You’re always so calm and quiet.
I’m not quiet.
I blink, surprised at myself and the force of my words.
But then I go on.
Maybe at school I can be a little shy.
But I’m loud and opinionated around the people who really know me.
People like Liam.
Dereck looks surprised.
Don’t you want to be here?
I thought any girl would love all this attention.
The romantic gestures.
I swallow hard.
I thought so, too.
But now…I’m not so sure.
I push back my chair and stand.
I need to leave.
Dereck leaps to his feet.
Don’t go. Please.
It will make me look like a total loser if you don’t stay.
I stare at him for a second, shocked.
Then I shake my head.
That’s no reason to stay.
We’re wrong for each other, Dereck.
If you knew me at all, you’d get that.
I rush from the restaurant—
Hop into a cab…
And race off into the night.
My head is spinning.
I thought I knew what I wanted.
And I thought I understood how this whole dating thing worked:
You have a crush on someone.
You go on a date with them.
And you click.
But none of the guys I thought I had feelings for were right.
Because in the end, I didn’t click with any of them…
Not once I got to know them.
Not even Dereck, who *should* have been the perfect match.
Instead, I spent the whole day thinking about someone else.
Liam, who knows me.
Better than anybody.
Maybe even better than I know myself.
But there’s no way he has feelings for me.
Not if he sent me on a scavenger hunt to get with another guy.
As these doubts swirl in my mind…
Liam’s words from this morning come rushing back:
“Life’s about taking chances.”
I know what I have to do.
I may have taken more than a few bum chances today.
But now that I know how I feel about Liam…
I know he’s the one chance I *need* to take.
As the cab pulls up slowly into my driveway…
I look to Liam’s house next door.
It’s dark and all the lights are off. Crap.
Then, an idea comes to me.
I cross through Liam’s yard and go into the woods behind it.
I walk until I see a light.
Our treehouse.
Even from the base, I can hear music.
He’s listening to The Splinters.
I climb up the ladder and the last rung creaks loudly as I step inside—
Making my presence known.
Liam’s lying on his back watching the stars.
He looks…sad.
But after a second, he forces a smile.
How’d it go?
I cross through the treehouse and flop onto the floor next to him.
I left.
Liam looks surprised.
What? Why?
I thought Dereck was everything you wanted.
Mr. Popular and Romantic.
I thought so, too.
I roll over to face him.
But then I realized that romance isn’t all that stuff you see in the movies.
It’s about knowing somebody.
Really knowing them.
It’s about liking all the same music and laughing at the same cheesy jokes.
It’s…the way I feel about you.
Liam’s expression is frozen in shock.
I hold up a hand before he can reply.
Look, I know you don’t feel the same way about me.
Or you never would have helped Dereck.
But I had to tell you.
You’re the one chance worth taking.
There’s a long pause.
My heart tightens in my chest.
He’s going to turn me down.
I just know it.
I close my eyes, anticipating the blow.
Then I feel his hand catch mine.
The reason I helped Dereck plan the secret admirer thing is because…
I thought it would make you happy.
You were always talking about your crushes on those other guys.
Creative, badass, talented guys.
You know. Guys who are nothing like me.
I laugh.
Liam, you’re the most creative, badass, talented guy I know.
And you were right in front of me the whole time.
He tugs my hand against his chest.
I figured there was no way you’d ever be into me.
So I wanted to help you be happy with someone else.
Even if it would’ve killed me to see you with him.
Because I have feelings for you, Morgan.
I swallow hard, my face inches from Liam’s.
I can’t tear my gaze from his.
But then he bends closer.
There’s barely a breath between our mouths.
Then his lips find mine, and I sink into him.
This. This is how it should feel.
I wrap my arms around his neck, losing myself in the feeling of his lips against mine.
It’s everything I never knew I wanted.
We break apart, breathless, grinning.
You’re going to have to get a little less practical with the birthday presents, though.
Liam frowns.
What do you mean?
I roll my eyes.
A pencil case? Really?
He stares.
Didn’t you open it?
I blink.
I reach behind me and root through my purse.
I pull out the pencil case and unzip it.
Inside are 2 tickets.
My jaw drops.
Oh my god. Are these…
Tickets to see The Splinters live next month?
You better believe it.
He grins as I lean in to kiss him again, harder this time.
Then he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me across his lap.
All this time daydreaming about rom-com scenarios, and I never realized…
What I wanted was something real.
Someone worth the chance.