Online Dating - Episode 1
by Robin Fierberg
I can’t believe I’m actually here…
Standing in front of Tyler’s apartment door…
About to meet him in person for the first time.
We met on a dating app a couple of months ago…
And hit it off right away.
He’s funny, sweet, and incredibly cute.
We’ve had a lot of Zoom dates and FaceTime calls, but…
We haven’t met up face to face yet…
Until now.
Tyler invited me over to his apartment to hang out…
But I’m frozen in front of his door, too terrified to knock.
What if he thinks I look different in real life than I did on camera?
What if he doesn’t even recognize me…and turns me away?
No! Tyler wouldn’t do that.
I trust him, and I know he’ll accept me for who I am.
My heart is pounding as I knock on the door.
Seconds tick by, until finally the door clicks open.
But it isn’t Tyler who answers.
It’s some other guy.
He’s much taller than Tyler, and has emerald green eyes.
I stare at him, unsure of what to say.
He speaks first.
Hi…who are you?
Oh, uh, hi…
You’re not Tyler.
Right, I’m Tyler’s roommate, James.
Tyler’s just getting out of the shower.
Of course!
For a second I thought I’d been catfished…
Although I don’t think I’d mind being catfished by James.
But that doesn’t matter.
James is looking at me skeptically.
And you are who exactly?
I’m Tyler’s girlfriend!
Sorry, I should have led with that.
Wow, I am so nervous to meet Tyler.
James chuckles.
Gotcha. Come on in.
James opens the door and lets me in.
I walk down the hallway into the kitchen…
And he follows close behind.
I set my bag down on a chair and look around.
So, you must be Becca.
I turn to look at James.
Uh, no…my name is Amy.
Who’s Becca?
James squints at me, as if he’s trying to see if I’m joking.
Becca is Tyler’s girlfriend.
*I’m* Tyler’s girlfriend.
My name is Amy.
What is James talking about?
Why would he say Tyler’s girlfriend’s name is Becca?
My head begins to spin.
Okay sorry, I’m probably just mixing-up names.
Yeah, I think you are.
I stick my chin up indignantly.
I’ll go get Tyler and let him know you’re here.
James walks away.
I try not to think about the name mix-up…
But it keeps nagging at me.
It was just an honest mistake…
I turn around, and all thoughts of the name mix-up melt away.
Tyler looks so handsome.
His smile sparkles and his messy blond hair falls into his eyes.
He walks up to me and wraps his arms around me.
I hug him back…
And feel completely at ease.
I’m safe in his warm embrace.
We break apart.
You’re even more beautiful in real life.
My face grows hot.
Stop, you’re just saying that.
I’m not!
Tyler turns to James, who’s coming back into the kitchen.
Isn’t Amy beautiful?
James nods, a distracted look on his face.
I pull Tyler closer to me.
Well, you’re even more handsome in real life.
And you smell like a tropical breeze.
Tyler takes my hands and smiles.
Come on, let’s go out for a walk.
Oh, I thought we were going to hang out here for a bit.
Nah, we can do that later.
Let’s go out to the park.
Okay, but can I at least have a quick tour?
Pretty please?
I give Tyler my cutest puppy-dog expression…
But he looks away toward the front door.
No, come on.
We can do that later.
Is everything okay?
Tyler looks at me and puts on a smile.
Yeah, of course!
But we need to leave now.
I don’t understand…
I thought you invited me over to hang out here.
Tyler checks his watch and suddenly looks serious.
We’re leaving.
Tyler grabs my hand and starts to pull me towards the front door.
What the heck is going on with him?
I turn back to wave goodbye to James.
He just watches us leave, shaking his head.
Tyler opens the front door…
And stops dead in his tracks.
What is it?
I peer around him…
And see someone standing outside on the front stoop.
She’s incredibly pretty, around my age, and wearing a velvety dress.
The girl looks at Tyler.
Hey babe!
Tyler has gone white in the face, and turns to me.
Why did she call you “babe,” Tyler?
The girl spots me behind Tyler.
Who is that, Tyler?
I step out in front of Tyler.
I’m Tyler’s girlfriend.
Who the heck are you?
No, *I’m* Tyler’s girlfriend.
I’m Becca.
I feel like a giant wave has just hit me, and I stumble back.
I fix my eyes on Tyler.
Is this true?
Tyler looks feebly from Becca to me.
No, I…
This is all a big misunderstanding.
What is going on here, Tyler?!
I can’t believe you’d do this.
After all the hours we’ve spent talking…
And getting to know each other…
And sharing our dreams and secrets.
I shake my head, and realize that I’m crying.
Amy, I didn’t mean to hurt you.
Well, you did hurt me.
I push past Tyler and run out of the building and down the street…
Still crying.
I can hear Tyler calling after me in the distance…
But I don’t turn back…
And I don’t stop running until I’m out of breath.
I collapse onto the curb and sob.
Dating apps have always been a disaster for me.
But I let myself believe that maybe, just maybe…
An app would work out for me this time.
You can never meet a genuine person through a dating app.
This proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
My eyes are closed, and suddenly I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder.
Is that Tyler?
Did he run after me?
I look up into a pair of brilliantly green eyes.
It isn’t Tyler…
It’s James.
I burst into tears again.
This is so embarrassing.
You knew that something was wrong from the start, didn’t you?
From the moment I said my name wasn’t Becca.
James nods solemnly, and sits down next to me on the curb.
Yeah, but you looked so happy when you saw Tyler.
I just couldn’t break it to you.
I blink away the tears.
Wow, that’s actually kind of sweet.
James sighs heavily.
It shouldn't have been my job to keep Tyler’s secret.
But if it’s any consolation, I think he and Becca broke up…
Right after you ran away.
James looks at me.
It seemed like he really liked you…
And I can’t blame him.
I shake my head.
I don’t know…
I can’t forgive him that easily.
It’ll take more time.
James picks up something next to me and holds it out.
Here, you left your bag in the apartment.
I figured you probably didn’t want to come back to get it.
I smile, sniffling, and take my bag from him.
Thank you.
I look up at James, who smiles back at me.
There’s a warmth that generates from his gaze…
And a faraway sadness in his beautiful green eyes.
I feel like something has changed between us…
And, looking into James’ eyes, I realize that maybe I was wrong:
Maybe you can meet a genuine person through a dating app.