Out of This World - Episode 1
by Ian Kieffer
What if I told you aliens are real?
Would you believe me?
Now what if I told you aliens are real, and I’m in love with one?
I sound crazy, right?
Trust me, I know.
But now that I have your attention…
Allow me to go back to the beginning — where the story starts.
Earlier today, I’m sitting in class trying to pay attention.
But it’s proving difficult for two reasons:
1) Because Lizzie Rochester and her jerk friends are picking on me.
2) Because I can’t stop staring at Jacob, the new boy in school.
The weird thing is…
I’m pretty sure he can’t stop staring at me, either.
Jacob has soft, smooth skin and gentle, observant eyes.
His defined cheekbones and jawbones accentuate his model-good looks.
I, on the other hand, am nothing special.
And that’s fine.
But I’m not used to being gazed at.
It puts a warm, tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach.
Then, all of a sudden…
Something small hits me in the back of my head.
I pull it out of my hair — a spitball!
I lose my cool.
I whip around to confront Lizzie.
But when I do, I turn too fast…
And get a vicious paper cut on my finger.
Lizzie and her friends burst into laughter.
Take it easy, weirdo.
You don’t want to bleed onto your desk.
The bell rings, signaling the end of class.
Everyone clears out while I tend to my cut.
All of a sudden, I hear a voice.
Why do they treat you like that?
I turn.
It’s Jacob.
We’re alone.
He comes over and sits at the desk next to me.
I don’t know.
Because I’m different, I guess.
I get it.
I’m different, too.
He looks at me with his clear blue eyes.
Eyes that seem to see deep inside me.
A tremor runs through my body.
Here. Give me your hand.
I hesitate.
But something about him feels safe and genuine.
His skin is soft and warm.
We lock eyes.
All of a sudden, he runs a finger over the paper cut.
I yank my hand away…
Knocking my water bottle off the desk.
And when I look down…
The cut is gone.
I look up at Jacob, dumbfounded.
He smiles sweetly.
How did you—
He leans down to pick up the water bottle.
And the second he does…
A bullet whizzes through the window…
And hits the wall right behind where his head was.
Get down!
He pulls me down to the ground with him.
What the heck was that?!
We need to move.
He leads us, on our hands and knees, out of the classroom…
As more bullets whiz over our heads.
We emerge into the hall.
And that’s when we see them:
A group of government agent-looking guys in black suits.
They charge down the hall towards us.
Let’s go!
He grabs my hand.
We take off in a full sprint.
The agents take off after us.
Who are these guys?!
I’ll explain later!
But they’re bad!
We weave our way through students.
The agents just shove them out of the way.
We turn a corner and I spot a janitor cart up ahead.
Without thinking, I tip it over as we run past.
A couple of agents trip over it.
We erupt into the gymnasium.
But the exit doors are locked…
And we’re cornered.
The agents pile into the gym with their guns drawn.
One of them steps forward from the group.
No need to be alarmed, young lady.
We have no intention of hurting you.
But this boy is an enemy of the state.
He’s a cold hard criminal.
That’s a lie.
I’m innocent.
Come over to our side, Miss.
And you won’t get hurt.
I turn to Jacob.
I don’t know what to do.
You said those girls pick on you because you’re different.
Well, that’s what’s happening here.
They want to hurt me because I’m different.
I look at the agents…
Then back to Jacob.
And I just know I can trust him.
I stare deep into his eyes.
I’m with you.
He smiles.
Then get behind me.
Next thing I know, Jacob closes his eyes and bows his head.
All the gym lights begin to flicker.
The ground begins to rumble underneath our feet.
Jacob slowly kneels down and touches the ground…
The floor undulates like a wave…
And the agents are launched across the gym.
They smash into the walls and up into the ceiling.
All the windows shatter.
It’s loud, wild chaos.
Jacob shouts.
Hold onto me!
I grab hold of him and close my eyes.
It’s like being in a giant wind tunnel.
The gusting air pulls at my skin, tearing my clothes.
It nearly tears me from Jacob.
But then everything grows calm.
I hear his voice.
Open your eyes.
I open them and GASP.
We’re floating in space…
Surrounded by stars and moons and planets.
Wherever we are, it’s not our galaxy.
Everything is quiet, tranquil.
I look at Jacob.
What the heck are you?
He smiles.
That’s my home.
He points to a giant purple planet far below our feet.
They sent me to Earth to try to save it.
To teach your people our ways so you could evolve like us.
But your government found out about me.
And they think I’m some kind of weapon of destruction.
I’m speechless for several moments.
Are you going to say something?
Sorry. This has been a weird day so far.
He breaks into a beautiful smile.
I want you to come with me.
Back to my home.
Me?! Why me?
I don’t know.
But I feel like I belong with you.
Maybe because you’re different.
I smile, getting lost in his eyes.
But then I shake myself out of it.
No, I’m sorry — I — I can’t.
My whole life is back on Earth.
My family. Everyone.
Jacob frowns, but nods.
I understand.
Can’t you come back with me?
It’s too dangerous now.
Here, take this.
He hands me a small metallic orb.
The next time those girls are being mean to you…
Use this.
I look down at it.
He smiles.
You’ll know.
Goodbye, Claire.
He leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek.
My whole body grows warm…
Like my insides are illuminated.
I close my eyes.
Goodbye, Jacob.
The next thing I know…
I’m sitting in the booth of a diner near school.
And that’s where I am now.
Still shell-shocked from everything that happened.
The waitress comes over…
What can I get you, darlin’?
Oh, uh…just coffee. Thanks.
You got it.
All of a sudden, Lizzie walks in with her friends.
Well, well, well…
Look who we have here.
I feel for the metallic orb in my pocket.
Leave me alone, Lizzie.
I’m warning you.
Oh, yeah? What are gonna do, loser?
I pull out the orb and clench it tightly.
Then I close my eyes.
Lizzie and her friends scream.
I open my eyes…
And they’re floating upside-down near the ceiling…
Their dresses folded over their heads.
Get me down from here!
She’s crying like a baby.
The whole restaurant goes into a frenzy.
I start giggling and slide out the door.
Then I look up to the sky.
A gorgeous shooting star tears across it.
And in that moment, I know Jacob is watching.
I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who can say:
My love is out of this world.