Phone/Sex - Episode 1
by Rebecca Phelps
I can’t believe we’re actually doing this, Aaron.
I know, baby, I know.
You still want to, right?
Yeah, of course.
It’s just a little weird.
What is?
In my childhood bedroom.
Baby, my summer internship lasts two more months.
We either do it like this, or nothing.
You’re right, it’s fine.
We just have to be quiet.
My parents are downstairs.
Okay, open the package I sent you.
I’m doing it now.
Wow, it’s got a lot of tissue paper.
They did that at the store.
I’m pulling it out now.
Oh, wow, that’s…um…
Hot, right?
Where’s the rest of it?
Oh. You don’t like it?
No, I like it, it’s just so…
I mean, if you’re uncomfortable, obviously…
I’m not.
I want you to be comfortable.
I am, baby, honest.
Let me just, um, turn the camera away.
Are you putting it on?
Priscilla grunts. The camera gets knocked over.
Are you okay?
Yep. It’s just a little…tight.
And I’ll put on the boxers you sent me.
Okay, sounds good.
I hope you like them.
Oh, hey, what’s printed on them?
Look closely.
Is that…puppies?
Yeah, you know, because of that time?
At the farmers' market. Remember?
Of course I remember, it’s just…you know…
What? Did I do it wrong?
Well, it’s just supposed to be kind of…
Oh, right! Oh god, I screwed up.
No, baby. I love them. Honest.
Okay, well I’ve got the thing on now.
Show me.
Um…here you go.
Priscilla shows only her face and the straps.
You look beautiful, baby.
Thank you.
Oh! There’s something else in the box.
Oh, you don’t need that part—
You wrote something. Is this…a script?
Don’t read it. I’m embarrassed now.
No, hold on, I just need my glasses.
Honestly, it’s something I found in a book.
I’m just reading it now.
We really don’t have to—
Oh, wow!
Maybe we should skip that part.
Yeah, I don’t think I can say that.
That’s okay.
Hey, can I see the rest of the outfit?
Yeah, of course. Um, I’ll just back up…
Priscilla backs into the window…
And all the curtains come tumbling down.
She turns to face the view…
And her face falls.
She drops suddenly to the floor.
Baby, are you okay? What happened?
Um, nothing.
Just my neighbors…are having a cookout.
I’ll just duck into the bathroom.
Are you ready to start?
Oh, hold on, I forgot the whipped cream.
Priscilla ducks as she passes the window…
But she’s spotted by a neighbor.
You okay up there, Prissy?
Yes, Mr. Anderson!
Looks like you lost your curtains!
I’ll hang them later, Mr. Anderson.
Did you find the whipped cream?
Hold on, Aaron.
You want me to tell your dad?
What’s that?
About the curtains!
No, I got it.
Priscilla finds the whipped cream and crawls to the bathroom.
Okay, baby, I’m gonna start now.
Yeah, let’s do it.
Wait, let me go first.
So, okay…
Baby, I really love it when you touch—
There’s a KNOCK at the door.
Prissy, are you in there?
Mom, I’m busy!
Mr. Anderson says the curtains are down.
I’m on the phone, Mom!
Well, all right.
Come down if you want a hot dog!
Where were we, Aaron?
Maybe this isn’t a good idea, baby.
No, it is. Come on.
I just miss you so much.
I feel like this is all my fault.
What do you mean?
I shouldn’t have taken this internship after…
You know.
Let’s not start that again.
I can’t help it.
I only came here because I thought you were coming, too.
My dad needed me at the store this summer.
But the internship was your idea!
“We’ll do it together, baby.”
“Three months in England, baby.”
Well, things change, Aaron.
Now I’m standing here alone…
Locked in the bathroom…
Holding a can of whipped cream.
What is the whipped cream for, by the way?
I was gonna explain when we got to that part.
Well, tell me now.
You still have your script?
Page seven.
Hold on, I’m flipping the pages…
Oh, WOW!
Yeah, it was in that book I read.
What kind of bookstores do they have in England?
Listen, Priscilla, I kinda have to go.
But we haven’t even started yet.
No, I mean I have to go somewhere else.
One of my roommates needs the bathroom.
Can you go to your room?
My other roommate’s in there with his tuba.
His what?
His tuba. He’s in an orchestra.
I feel like you’re mad at me.
It’s just we’d been planning this so long.
I wanted it to go perfectly.
It doesn’t have to be perfect, Aaron.
I just like seeing you.
We’ve never been apart this long.
Not since the fourth grade.
Remember the valentines I wrote you?
Do I remember them? I kept them.
You did not.
They’re in a shoebox under my bed.
Before you go, Aaron—
Prissy, I brought you that hot dog!
Not now, Mom!
I’ll just leave it by the door.
What were you going to say?
I don’t remember.
I don’t want to hang up.
Neither do I.
My roommate’s pounding on the door now.
He must really have to pee.
I just remembered what it was.
When you get home…
Do you promise…
That we’ll do page seven?
Yes, Priscilla.
I promise.