Sleepwalker - Episode 1
by Calla Gordon
Sloane, you have to help me.
I don’t want to talk right now.
Look, I’m sorry Mom and Dad kicked you out…
But you know they did it for your own good, right?
Your counselor said that the only way to help an addict…
Is to cut them off completely.
Don’t defend them to me.
Sloane, I know we’ve never been super close…
But I think I did something terrible.
And I really need help.
Well now you’re freaking me out…
What’s going on?
You know that sleepwalking problem I have?
Of course. You’ve been doing it your whole life.
And you never remember ANY of the weird things you do.
So what’s up? Did you sleepwalk again?
Yeah. But this time…
I woke up…
Covered in blood.
It gets worse.
There’s a knife on my bedside table.
Is this a joke?
Because it’s not funny.
I wouldn’t joke about something like this.
Sloane, I’m so scared.
And I don’t know what to do!
Are you hurt?
I think I’m alright…
It doesn’t seem to be my blood.
Which makes me worry about Mom and Dad.
I haven’t left my bed yet…
And I have no idea if they’re okay!
I was hoping this was all a nightmare.
But I’m awake. This is real.
Okay, Tatum. Don’t panic.
We’re going to get through this.
But you have to listen to me.
I need you to get up…
And go to Mom and Dad’s bedroom.
But what if they’re dead?!
Then lying in your bed isn’t going to change that.
And what if they’re fine?
And you’re worried over nothing?
You’re right.
Okay, I’m getting out of bed.
You’re doing the right thing, Tatum.
I’m opening my bedroom door…
That’s good. What do you see?
Oh my god.
There are bloody footprints in the hall!
I’m going to be sick!
What if I hurt them?
Take a deep breath, Tatum.
In and out. In and out.
I’m breathing. It’s helping…
Good. Now, keep walking.
Alright. I’m going closer…
What do you see?
Their bedroom door is open.
They always sleep with it closed…
And the house is so quiet!
Stay calm, Tatum.
Now, go inside their room.
I’m looking inside now.
Oh god…
There’s blood everywhere!
Their comforter is soaked in it!
And Mom and Dad?
Are they…?
I’m scared to get too close…
But they’re not moving.
And Mom’s face looks really pale!
You’re going to have to go closer to check.
I can’t. I feel faint…
I think I’m going to pass out!
You have to do this, Tatum.
We need to be sure.
Okay. I’m going closer.
I’m peeling back the comforter…
Oh my god.
They’ve been stabbed!
Sloane…I think they’re dead!
Are you sure they’re not breathing?
Yes. I checked their pulses.
I killed our parents, Sloane!
Oh no…
Mom and Dad are gone…
And I’m going to jail for the rest of my life!
How could I have done this?
You didn’t mean to, Tatum.
You have a disorder.
You never know what you’re doing when you’re sleepwalking.
That doesn’t change the fact that they’re dead!
Just stay calm…
I’m going to help you through this.
I’ll sell everything I have and I’ll get you the best lawyer in town.
I don’t deserve that, Sloane.
I killed our parents!
Tatum, I’ll always be there for you.
I’m on my way over now…
We’ll deal with this together.
I don’t know what I’d do without you, Sloane.
10 minutes later
Sloane arrives at the house.
She stares inside their parent’s bedroom…
A look of shock on her face.
We need to call 911.
I’m so scared!
I know you are. I am too…
But we’ve already waited too long.
Tatum nods, then dials 911 with shaky fingers.
911, what’s your emergency?
I — I killed my parents.
5 minutes later
Paramedics and police officers storm into Tatum’s house.
Sloane directs the paramedics upstairs…
While Tatum tells the police officers everything that happened.
The police officers handcuff Tatum.
Be strong, Tatum.
I’m here for you.
An officer is pushing Tatum out of the house…
When suddenly, there’s a flurry of raised voices from upstairs.
We have a pulse!
Tatum gasps.
What does that mean?!
Is one of them alive?!
Keep it moving. Everyone outside.
Wait! I need to see what’s going on!
But the officer drags her outside…
While another officer guides Sloane outside behind them.
Just as Tatum is getting into the back of a police car…
The paramedics push a stretcher out of the house.
On the stretcher…
Is Tatum and Sloane’s mom.
Her eyes flutter open.
Tatum ducks under the police officer’s arm…
And runs to her mother’s side.
Mom, I’m so sorry!
I didn’t mean to hurt you!
Tears spill down Tatum’s cheeks.
But Tatum’s mom shakes her head.
I’ll understand if you never forgive me.
The officers are yelling and pulling Tatum back.
But she shakes them off.
Stop! She’s trying to talk!
Tatum’s mom swallows hard…
And clears her throat.
It wasn’t you.
Tatum sputters for words.
W-What? What do you mean?
I did this, Mom.
I hurt you while I was sleepwalking.
But her mom shakes her head again.
And looks behind Tatum.
At Sloane.
It was her.
What?! No, that’s ridiculous.
She’s delirious.
It was Sloane.
That’s who attacked me and my husband.
She raises her finger and points at Sloane.
An officer handcuffs Sloane.
Instantly, Sloane’s face changes.
From sad and concerned…
To furious.
She levels a scowl at their mom.
I should have made sure you were dead!
Sloane! What are you saying?
All of you abandoned me.
It was easy to kick out the troublemaker, wasn’t it?
Sloane, we love you!
We wanted to help you!
Help me, by getting rid of me?
Sloane laughs.
The counselors said that we were enabling you!
That we needed to kick you out for your own good!
Oh, please.
I was just interrupting your perfect little lives.
It was so much easier without me around, wasn’t it?
Shocked, Tatum sputters for words.
So…you killed our parents?
And then tried to frame me for murder?
I would have gotten away with it, too.
You’re always doing weird things when you sleepwalk.
And you never remember them the next day.
All I had to do was put the murder weapon on your bedside table…
And cover you in a little blood.
You confessed to the murders all by yourself!
Sloane shakes her head.
And Mom and Dad think YOU’RE the smart sister.
How could you do this?
To your own family?!
All right, ma’am. I think we’ve heard enough.
Tatum gapes as Sloane is put into a police cruiser.
But right before the door closes, Sloane says one last thing.
None of you were there for me…
So I decided you wouldn’t be there at all.