The Art Collector - Episode 1
by Kayla Parent
When I see a FaceTime call coming in at 9 a.m…
My heart drops into the pit of my stomach.
A video chat interview?!
I was told this would be a phone call!
No, no, no, no!
This can’t be happening!
I run over to my mirror and survey the damage.
My wet hair is in a towel.
I have on a pink fluffy bathrobe.
And my face is covered in a bright green hydrating mask.
The phone is still ringing.
I debate throwing it out the window.
But not answering this call isn’t an option.
It’s with Theo Goodwin.
As in, the CEO and Founder of the most prestigious art gallery in New York City.
His time is more valuable than my life.
So I rip the towel off my head…
Point the phone away from me…
And answer it.
The deep voice that responds is thick with authority.
I’m looking for Mia Hampton.
This is she.
There’s a weighted silence.
Then why am I staring at a ceiling?
I’m sorry.
I wasn’t aware this was a FaceTime interview.
And I’m not exactly…umm…presentable.
I see.
Should we reschedule?
I panic again.
This time for a different reason.
I know that Theo Goodwin doesn’t give second chances.
Any aspiring gallery associate worth her salt knows that.
No, no.
I’d still like to do this today.
I’m very interested in the position.
Well, I’m not doing this interview staring at a ceiling.
It doesn’t matter to me what you’re wearing.
I assure you, it won’t affect your chances one way or the other.
So he says.
But since I don’t have a choice…
I slowly turn the camera toward me.
My God, he looks impeccable.
Crisp button-up.
Dark hair with a perfect wave.
And a strong jaw that outlines a sinfully handsome face.
Though he’s only 29, Theo’s polished and sophisticated.
I give him an awkward wave.
I feel woefully inadequate.
He blinks twice, but his expression is otherwise blank.
Why does it look like the skin on your face is breaking?
I squawk with laughter, no doubt sounding infinitely worse than I look.
It’s an age-defying face mask.
It cracks like this when it’s ready to come off.
Theo shuffles some papers on his desk.
Your resume says you’re 22.
I like to plan ahead.
Never too early to prepare!
That’s what I always say.
He doesn’t look impressed.
It also looks like he never smiles.
He squints at something over my shoulder.
I turn and see it’s one of my paintings.
I’m about to say something, but he gets right down to business.
Tell me why I should hire you for the associate position at my gallery.
Was that even a question?
I take a deep breath.
Then give him the answer I rehearsed.
I’ve been passionate about art my entire life.
Ancient art.
Egyptian art.
Roman art!
And most recently, modern art.
It’s history in the making.
His face is still blank.
So I continue.
My grandmother was a collector.
I used to spend hours at her shop.
I’d stare at all the paintings and imagine the moments they were made.
What was the artist thinking when they chose a certain color?
Would I have picked the same one?
And as for the gallery associate position…
I’m really organized—
I make a sweeping gesture with my hand to emphasize my point…
And in the process, knock my scalding hot coffee into my lap.
I scream and drop the phone.
I stop myself just in time.
Cringing with pain, I pick up the phone from the floor.
Theo is staring back at me with one eyebrow quirked.
I’m so sorry.
I just spilled coffee on myself.
Are you alright?
I think I discern actual concern in his voice, but I can’t be sure.
Because the top of my legs are burning.
Erm, fine.
What was I saying?
He glances at his watch.
I’m going to grab some water.
Why don’t you take a moment to clean yourself up?
We’ll reconvene in 3 minutes.
I heave with embarrassment.
But I take the bounty for what it is.
Thank you so much.
I gently put the phone down…
Then leap off my bed and into the bathroom.
I scrub the mask off.
Throw on a bra and a sundress.
And put my wet hair in a low bun.
I’d love to put on some mascara…
But there’s no time.
Theo’s already waiting when I get back to the phone.
His eyes widen a bit when he sees me.
Then he clears his throat.
I’m not sure what that means…
But I decide to launch back into my main point.
As I was saying.
I’m very organized.
And I have experience planning social events.
I’d go on…
But he’s not paying attention.
He’s staring over my shoulder again.
At another one of my paintings.
Embarrassment rushes through me.
I never show anyone my work.
Let alone someone like Theo Goodwin.
Bring the phone closer to that painting behind you.
Oh, that thing?
It’s just a hobby.
I made that one in high school.
Theo’s voice maintains its authoritative edge.
I’d like to see it.
Ashamed, I bring the phone closer to it.
It doesn’t sound like an impressed “hmm.”
And isn’t that just wonderful?
Could this interview be going any worse?
I try to steer the conversation back on track.
So like I was saying…
I have experience planning major events.
Such as—
What’s your favorite painting, Mia?
If you had to choose one?
I’m a little taken aback by the question.
But I don’t hesitate to answer.
Oh! It’s “The Kiss” by Marmot Channing.
Made in 1892.
I’m familiar with the painting.
Why is it your favorite?
I sit down at my desk.
It brings another one of my paintings into view.
And I see his eyes lock on it.
It’s hard to pinpoint the reason with words.
It’s more about the feeling I get when I see it.
So, the first panel of the painting is dark.
Just two strangers standing at opposite ends of a street.
Not looking at each other…
Not even aware the other person exists.
I meet Theo’s gaze.
This time, I can tell he’s listening.
And the second panel?
Well, that’s the magical part.
The sun is up now…
And they’re staring at each other with stars in their eyes.
I always wonder what happened in those few hours.
What made everything change?
Can things like that happen in real life?
My imagination always runs away with the work.
I look down, a little embarrassed to be so vulnerable…
But I can’t seem to stop myself.
Art does that to me.
And that kiss that he’s about to give her.
You just know it’s going to be a good one.
Why do you think that?
The atmosphere.
The strokes of red evoke such strong emotion.
He’s cupping her jaw…
Staring into her eyes…
I refuse to believe it will be anything but spectacular.
How can it not be when it’s…
I pause searching for the right word.
Theo supplies it for me.
I give him a genuine smile.
He clears his throat.
That painting is one of my favorites too.
I panic…again.
I swear I didn’t read that anywhere!
I wasn’t saying that just to impress you!
I’m shocked to see the ghost of a smile on his lips.
I believe you.
I’m not sure I’ve ever publicly talked about it.
Thank God.
He looks down, and I take a moment to study him.
The only thing more unbelievable than his handsome looks…
Is the fact that I landed an interview at his gallery.
So why do you want to work at my gallery, specifically?
I decide to be completely honest again.
This gallery position is my top choice.
Because…I admire you.
I’ve been following your career for a while.
You’ve gotten where you are through hard work…
And your taste in art is exquisite.
Also, you notoriously treat your employees like gold.
What else could an artsy girl like me want in a job?
His lips definitely turn up in a smile this time.
Holy crap.
Did I just do that?!
Could I actually be turning this interview around?
His face turns serious again quickly, however.
Who is your favorite artist?
That’s hard to choose.
But I’ll go with Carvaggio.
He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth.
My eyes hone in on the movement.
God, doesn’t he know how distracting that is?
I force my eyes away.
He was a controversial guy.
Do you like that his art broke boundaries?
Yes and no.
What I like most is that he humanized the people in his paintings.
Beyond what was acceptable for his time period.
And he was humble.
To my great delight, he laughs.
Did Theo Goodwin just laugh at my art joke?!
Maybe I am saving this interview after all!
We laugh together for a moment…
But then my hopes are immediately dashed.
Because what happens next is like a sword to the gut.
Another phone starts ringing in his office.
He looks at it, then curses under his breath.
I’ve got to run.
It’s been a pleasure, but unfortunately you will not be an employee of my gallery.
My assistant Dasha will be in touch shortly.
He hangs up.
I stand there, staring at the phone in disbelief.
Just like that?!
It’s over?!
Despite the rocky beginning…
I thought we were getting along.
And why is his assistant going to call me?
To give me the news in a more official manner??
I flop down on my bed…
Flooded with disappointment.
Half an hour later…
Another FaceTime call comes in.
Since my head is buried in a pillow…
It takes a lot of effort for me to lift it and see who it is.
It’s Dasha.
Theo’s assistant.
I pick it up and give her a sad smile.
Hi Dasha.
Don’t worry, your boss has already delivered the bad news.
I know I didn’t get the job.
Yes. You didn’t get the job, but…
You got an opportunity.
I pull myself off the bed.
What do you mean?
Dasha’s eyes stare over my shoulder at one of my paintings.
Wow! I can see why.
Your paintings are amazing.
My heart starts beating rapidly.
Dasha, what are you saying??
I’m saying that Theo loves your work.
And wanted to show it in his gallery.
He used the phrase “cutting-edge” and let me tell you…
He doesn’t use that often.
I’m in shock.
He likes my paintings?!
No way.
Something this good can’t be happening.
Not to me.
He also said you’ve got an eye for art.
That you’ve got the gut instinct.
Not just the analytical skills.
He said that?!
I’m floored.
He sure did.
Congrats girl!
This is too good to be true.
But…my art isn’t good enough.
I gave up on that dream a long time ago.
I figured I’d just do the next best thing and work at a gallery or…
Her expression has my words trailing off.
So do you want to tell Theo Goodwin he’s wrong?
Or should I?
I laugh, despite myself.
Alright, you’ve made your point.
Good. So listen…
Theo wants to discuss details tomorrow night over dinner at the gallery.
Are you available?
Over dinner?!
She must see the look on my face…
Because she gives me a conspiratorial smile.
You’re 100 percent right, Mia…
That’s not something that he does often either.