The Dome
by Charlotte Zaidi
Where the fuck ARE YOU?
I don’t know. It’s so dark.
Of COURSE it’s dark?!
The Workers have left the Factory.
Maybe this was a bad idea…
You think?!
I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry!
I don’t care if you’re sorry. I care if you’re SAFE, Eve.
Anda I don’t know what to do...
Cas can’t be gone!
He’s my best friend. He just can’t be gone.
I know I know
Stay where you are, ok?
He might still be alive.
I’ll come find you.
He *might* be?!
Just stay where you are.
Anda looked out into the darkness of the street.
She thought of her little sister crouched in the gloom.
The streets of the Dome were not safe at night.
Children went missing.
What’s the last thing you saw before the lights went out?
I don’t know.
I guess I was near the Factory? I could see it in the distance.
Fuck. Ok. Just don’t move. Not AT ALL.
Don’t talk. Don’t scream. Don’t even breathe.
Don’t let them find you.
I hear something!
Oh God no.
Sounds like...crying?
Anda I think there’s a kid out here with me.
I just found a little girl!
You’re only a kid yourself!
What do I do?
Leave her.
If I don’t stop her crying the Workers will find her, Anda.
And what happens when they find YOU, Eve?
They’ll take me to where Cas is.
Eve. He’s gone. Cas is gone.
He’s not -
I can’t lose you.
And I can't let my best friend be eaten by those monsters.
Those monsters are what keep us alive.
Alive? What LIFE do we have in HERE?
The Dome saved humanity.
The Dome IMPRISONED humanity.
Eve, please.
Someone else is here. A Worker.
Has it seen you?!
No. But...
The kid. It’s got her.
She’s crying out for her mum. She’s so scared Anda, it’s horrible!
Don’t you DARE follow them.
I have to.
Eve don’t!!! PLEASE STOP.
Anda looked out into the impenetrable blackness and sobbed.
Every child of the Dome is terrified by stories of the Workers.
No one knows who the Workers are or how they live.
Inside the central Factory they grow food and power the lights.
They never seem to die.
They never seem to run out of bodies.
There is just an endless supply of Workers for the endless task of fuelling the Dome.
I will never forgive you for this.
Anda stepped out into the street
Eve, please respond!!!
Don’t let them catch you. PLEASE!
It ate her.
Oh god Anda it ate her!! Right in front of me!
Where are you, now?!
I followed them to the Factory.
But before they got inside it whispered to her.
Whispered? What??
So quietly I couldn’t hear.
And the girl began to scream.
She said no she wouldn’t.
Wouldn’t what?
And then it -
Stop. Please.
It tore at her throat with its teeth.
I don’t want to know.
I couldn’t see properly.
But I could hear.
Fuck, Eve.
Cas is dead.
He’s dead, isn’t he?
Why wasn’t he at home?
Why was he outside?
I don’t know.
Why did he let them find him?
Eve. Where are you?
The Dome is evil.
We’re trapped here like rats.
Like food for those monsters.
That’s why they keep us alive.
I’m near the Factory.
I’ll find you don’t worry.
You’ll be safe.
It looked human.
What did?
It dragged her body inside.
And I saw him as he walked past.
Him? What are you talking about?
The Worker. He was human. Just a man.
Just a man.
Stop it.
You’re wrong.
They’re not monsters.
They’re US. They’re just like us.
Anda stopped
She saw the faint outline of her sister a few yards ahead of her.
Eve was shaking with silent tears.
Anda couldn’t let her sister live in a world where humans would do this to each other.
Where humans would rip their own apart...for food.
I’m here, let’s go.
I can’t go home. I think I'm having a panic attack. I don't know what to do.
Just leave me here.
No, Eve. We're not going home this time.
Then WHERE?!
We’re leaving. Let's go.
But where is there to go?
I don't know. But we can't live in this hellhole anymore.
We’re escaping from the Dome. For good.