The Siren - Episode 1
by Kat Dexter
Hey babe? I think something’s going on at the lake…
The water is really dark.
Isn’t it normally clear?
Yeah, that’s why it’s weird.
It’s cold too.
Like, really cold.
I don’t like this…especially since I’m not there.
Is anyone else at the cabin yet?
Nope, I’m the first one.
Hang on, let me show you.
Mia sends Nico a picture of large circular ripples in the water.
What do you think is making the water move like that?
Looks like some kind of monster fish or something…
It seems really big, Mia, like a shark.
Okay, this is going to sound crazy but…
Have you ever heard of the Siren of Lake?
Wait, doesn’t siren mean evil mermaid?
Yeah. People here have told stories about this one for centuries.
And Walter’s dad swore he saw her here last year.
How cool would it be to come face to face with her?
I think I’m gonna take the kayak out to investigate.
Are you sure that’s safe?
Nico, I’ve been coming up here since I was three.
I can handle anything in that lake.
Even if it’s a siren.
I didn’t say you couldn’t handle it. It’s just…
I don’t like the idea of you going out on the lake by yourself.
Please? I’m your boyfriend. It’s my job to worry about you.
If you’re so worried, why don’t you come up here?
Then you can be my knight in shining armor or whatever.
You know I’d be there if I could.
I thought you said Marcus would cover your shift?
I asked him, but he flaked on me.
Haven’t you covered for him like five times?
Yeah, I’m not exactly pleased about it.
I’m stuck here until ten.
Don’t worry. As soon as I’m off of work, I’ll drive right up.
Two minutes pass.
The ripples are back…
In the water?
Yeah. And there are bubbles in the middle of them.
Really big bubbles.
I need to check it out.
This is so incredibly creepy.
Please head back to the cabin.
Just to be safe.
It’s only like twenty feet out.
I’m fine.
Listen, if you wanted to date some defenseless little princess, you chose the wrong girl.
I know, it’s just…I hate that you’re up there alone.
If something were to happen, you wouldn’t have any back up.
I don’t need back up.
There’s no winning this one, huh?
At least wear a life jacket?
Nico! I’m a certified lifeguard. I can swim.
Alright, then can you bring your pepper spray keychain?
That way you can spray this thing if it’s dangerous?
Sure, honey. I’ll bring it.
I love you.
You know that, right?
Love you too.
But seriously, if you see something dangerous…
Just please get back to the shore as quickly as possible.
We can go out together tonight. I promise.
5 minutes later
Do you still see the bubbles?
No, they’ve stopped.
I think I’m right about where they were…
No ripples either.
But I think someone else is out here.
You think?
I can’t see anyone. But I can hear someone singing.
It sounds sad. Like…mournful.
Mia…don’t sirens sing?
Omg, that’s right! It must be around the bend in the lake.
Mia please don’t go there.
But Mia doesn’t even read Nico’s text.
Because just then, something stirs in the middle of the lake.
She dips her paddle into the water and furiously, rows to the spot.
Her muscles ache. She stops.
It’s back, Nico.
But the water is so murky. I can’t see anything.
I just stuck my hand in it and can’t even see a few inches down.
Wasn’t there a really bad flood by the cabin last month?
Maybe that dumped a bunch of silt in the river?
That’s probably it.
Oh! I see more ripples now.
They’re a little further out now.
Praying it’s just a big turtle…
What in the world…
What do you see?
I just saw its fin!
Wow! It was massive!
I’ve never seen anything this big in the lake.
Babe, you’re making me really nervous.
Please head back to shore.
For me?
Two minutes pass.
Are you still there?
You’re never going to believe this…
I saw its tail…
It was like five feet long!
What?! Are you exaggerating?
No. The tail alone is almost as big my whole body.
And it’s beautiful…
I’ve never seen anything like it before.
It was covered in iridescent scales.
How do you think it got in here? Maybe through the river.
I don’t care how it got in there!
Mia opens her camera, but before she can get a picture…
The creature disappears into the murky water.
I’ve got a bad feeling about this, Mia.
Just head back to the shore.
Mia rolls her eyes as she reads Nico’s text messages.
Ignoring her boyfriend, she leans over the edge of the kayak.
She stares into the murky water.
Every time I try to take a picture, it disappears.
Think I should jump into the water?
To get a closer look?
I’m just kidding…
Chill out, Nico.
Just then, the scaled tail surfaces a foot away.
It slaps loudly at the water.
It’s back! Omg, it’s inches away.
Shivers snake down Mia’s spine.
She doesn’t tell Nico…
But there’s a knot in her stomach.
Now, even she thinks there’s something wrong.
This thing in the water, it’s…strange.
Get out of the water!
A beautiful, sorrow-filled song fills the air.
An odd sensation pulls at Mia.
Ignoring her boyfriend’s pleas, she leans toward the creature’s beautiful tail.
Just as she gets close, the tail disappears.
But then it reappears near a bend in shore.
As Mia follows it, she sees an abandoned canoe.
The eerie song floats through the air, mesmerizing her.
The singing suddenly stops.
Everything is silent.
Shaking her head, Mia comes back to reality.
She looks closely at the canoe.
It has deep scratches down its side.
And up on the bow seat…
There’s a bloody handprint.
The hair on the back of Mia’s neck stands on end.
She searches the lake for the canoe’s passengers.
No one is there.
Something happened…
Are you okay?
No, it’s not me.
There’s a canoe here with scratches and a bloody handprint on it.
I don’t see or hear anyone though…
Mia, get back to shore and call 911!
Nico, I’m a lifeguard. I have to try to help.
You call the cops — okay?
The water stirs fifty feet away.
A girl surfaces and screams.
Nico, did you call the cops?
Tell them she’s wiry, in her 20s…
Ugh, I can’t really make out much more…
I’m going to help her.
Okay, dialing 911 now. Please be careful.
She went under!
This is why I wanted you to take your life jacket!
Mia frantically paddles toward the girl.
She calls out to her flailing form as it bobs in and out of the water.
I’m almost there!
Try to remain calm!
The girl thrashes her arms in the water. Her head dips below the surface.
Mia’s eyes go wide. She’s still ten feet away.
Going against Nico’s words of warning…
Mia stands up, and then dives into the water.
She opens her eyes, but is met with darkness.
Grabbing her waterproof phone, she turns on the flashlight.
She desperately searches the water for the girl.
And then, her eyes land on a lifeless body.
Reaching forward, she grabs a hold of the girl’s arm.
She starts to swim toward the surface.
As they break through the water, Mia gasps for air.
It’s okay, I’ve got you!
The girl’s head snaps up.
Her wild eyes focus on Mia.
Can you hear me? Let’s get you to safety.
Mia starts to swim for the shore.
Don’t worry, we’re almost there.
But then, a wicked smile crosses the girl’s face.
And she starts singing…
Shivers snake down Mia’s back.
The song renders her limbs frozen.
The girl wraps her fingers around Mia’s arm.
It feels like icicles puncture Mia’s skin.
I can’t go on shore.
The beautiful girl lets go of Mia’s arm.
Immobile, Mia slips beneath the water, unable to swim to the surface.
The girl dips down beside her, under the freezing cold water.
Her long black hair billows in the water as she parts her lips…
Revealing a mouthful of razor sharp, jagged teeth.
Still frozen, Mia can’t scream.
And even if she could, no one would hear her.
The siren cackles as she wraps her hands around Mia’s neck.
She drags Mia away…
To a violent and watery death.