To the Grocery Store - Episode 1
by Joseph Evans
I’m lying on my bed with my laptop on my lap…
Casually scrolling through my social media feed…
When there’s an incoming video call from my boyfriend, Jake.
I answer the call and give him a cheeky smile.
Hey, Jake!
You only left a couple of hours ago…
But you just can’t get enough of me, can you?
Jake doesn’t return the smile.
Why do you look so serious?
Is something wrong?
Sarah, there’s something I need to show you.
It’s a photo.
The photo appears on my screen.
It’s a group of friends posing for the camera on a dance floor.
It looks like any other regular nightclub scene…
Except for one thing:
The girl in the center of the group…
Is me.
This photograph was posted to the club’s social media last night.
It was taken at 11:33 p.m.
I prop myself up and tuck my legs beneath me.
But I wasn’t out at a club last night.
I know that.
At 11:33 p.m.…
We were watching a movie together at your place.
I peer closer at the group around me in the picture.
Who are these people?
I’ve never seen any of them before.
Jake takes a deep breath.
What I’m about to say is going to sound crazy…
But hear me out.
There are rumors going around…
That a creepy cloning company has been operating in this country for decades.
Parents pay them a ton of money to have their kids cloned at birth…
And then the clone is sent off to be raised by actors pretending to be parents.
I let out an incredulous laugh.
You’re right, that does sound crazy.
When Jake remains serious, I frown.
Why would anyone create a clone of their child?
To be the perfect organ donor…
If that child were to ever need a transplant.
I scrunch my face up.
Wait, you’re not saying what I think you’re saying, are you?
Jake raises his eyebrows.
Your parents have always been really overprotective.
They’re exactly the kind of people who would have you cloned…
To make sure you were covered if you ever needed a transplant.
My eyes dart from side to side as the reality sinks in.
With a swift motion, I grab my laptop.
I hold it up as I get out of my bed…
And pace around my room.
This is why they’ve always been so weird, isn’t it?
They’ve been hiding this huge secret from me all my life.
They cloned me at birth!
Jake looks panicked.
Sarah, keep your voice down!
Here’s the scariest thing:
If the clone ever finds out the truth…
They’re taken care of.
I twist my head to one side.
When you say “taken care of…”
What do you mean, exactly?
The fake parents say they’re taking them “to the grocery store.”
But they actually take them…
To be killed.
So that the cloning company isn’t exposed.
I swallow hard.
Oh my god.
What if that girl finds photos of me online and starts questioning things?
They’ll kill her!
What do I do, Jake?
I think you know what you need to do.
I slowly place my laptop on my desk…
And swivel in my chair.
I need to contact her…
And help her escape.
Jake nods grimly.
She’s been tagged as Angelica Preston.
I’m sure it won’t be hard to find her.
Jake ends the call…
And I type “Angelica Preston” into my video-calling program’s search bar.
Her profile picture appears immediately…
Looking just like me.
I click the “call” button…
And when Angelica answers…
Her face goes as white as a ghost.
Angelica, you don’t know me…
But my name is Sarah…
And as you can see, we look identical.
I know this must be super weird.
But please, whatever you do, stay on the call.
Angelica just stares at me, her eyes locked on mine.
Do your parents know that you’re speaking to someone right now?
Angelica silently shakes her head.
Is your bedroom door locked?
Angelica nods, still looking petrified.
Okay, there’s no easy way for me to break this to you…
But…you’re my clone.
I see Angelica’s breathing begin to quicken.
You were created to serve as my transplant donor.
Your parents aren’t really your parents.
They’re actors hired to raise you.
And if they find out that you know about this…
They’re going to kill you.
After a moment of silence…
Angelica finally opens her mouth to speak.
You’re wrong.
I close my eyes for a moment…
And try to convey the gravity of the situation through my pained expression.
Please, you have to believe me.
Your life is in grave danger.
You need to escape through your bedroom window and run away.
But Angelica just shakes her head.
No, I’m telling you, you’ve really got this wrong.
I’m not your clone.
I pinch the bridge of my nose, wishing she would accept what I’m telling her.
Angelica, please!
You have to believe me!
Look at us!
We’re identical!
Angelica abruptly raises her palm.
Just…stop talking.
Trembling, she lowers her hand to her side…
And pulls her mobile phone from her pocket.
Then, she slowly raises it to her ear…
And utters two words:
She knows.
I’m about to ask Angelica who she’s speaking to…
When my mom’s voice calls up the stairs:
Honey, we need to go to the grocery store.