by Peter Petkovsek
Hey where were you today?
Didn’t feel like going to school
What did I miss?
Oh the usual
Mrs. Brown’s class was fun though
Haha for you maybe
I think she’s pretty cool!
You need to be careful though
She was asking about you
It’s the third time in two weeks you’ve been gone for a whole day
I gave her signed excuses
Yeah signed by you
Well how else am I going to do it
I’m just saying, she’s getting suspicious
Did you cover for me?
Of course, I told her what you said
I think she believed it at first, but now it’s harder
It’ll be fine
As long as she doesn’t decide to call your parents
Nah she wouldn’t
If you keep doing it she will
I hope not my mom would kill me
Yeah well drag yourself back to school then
Don’t snap at me
Sorry, just don’t want to see you in trouble. And me
Ok ok I’ll be careful
So where were you anyway
I went for a walk
A walk?
Yup. The woods at the end of our street
Isn’t that place kind of creepy
Parts of it. It just gets a little dark, that’s all
And you just walk around alone?
Yeah I love it
Creature of nature
Haha lol
And what do you do there
Just stroll, look at things
Like what
Like today, I found this crazy caterpillar
What was it like
It was all red and orange and green, and sort of twisted in a circle
No it was still moving, looked like it was trying to touch its head to its butt
Haha was it sniffing itself
I dunno, not sure if caterpillars can smell
Did you touch it
I wanted to but it looked angry
How did it flash
Haha no. But it squirted something at me
Yeah it was weird. It hit my arm and it itched a bit
Jeez Sam maybe it’s dangerous
No of course not
Did you show it to someone?
Maybe you should. I heard caterpillars can be poisonous
Yeah in tropical forests, not here
Still though
Well I can’t show it to my Mom. She’ll know I skipped school
School nurse?
She’ll just blab to my parents. Anyway, it doesn’t itch anymore it’s all good
Ok. Just don’t touch them anymore!
Haha ok
later that night
Hey you woke me up
It’s really late what’s wrong?
Nothing don’t worry
Just had a nightmare and wanted to talk to someone
Ah that sucks. What was the nightmare?
Remember the caterpillar I told you about?
Well it was in my dreams, it was really big and had an almost human head
Haha you watch too much horror
And it looked at me and said, ‘The circle must be complete’
Hahaha lol
Not funny! I was terrified
And it’s kind of your fault
For spooking me with the poisonous caterpillar stuff
So you get to calm me down now
Aw well. It was just a dream. And I’m sure the caterpillar wasn’t poisonous.
Or not more than poison ivy anyway
Haha ok.
I can probably sleep now. Thanks!
No problem
the next morning
Hey where are you? You can’t do two days of skipping school in a row!
Emily something’s weird
What? Where are you?
Hiding in my room
Aw come on we’ll both get in trouble
I was going to go to school but something’s happened
What? Are you ok?
My arm is hurting
And it’s turning green
There’s green and red patches all over it
I’m freaking out
Go to the doctor!
I can’t my Mom will find out
Well she will anyway if you don’t come to school!
It’s itching really badly
Go home and just tell her! She’ll take you to the doctor
I dunno
You have to!
It seems to be spreading
It can’t spread that fast
But my other arm is showing weird colors too!
What is going on this is crazy
And it hurts
Just run home!!!
omg omg
it’s sprouting some sort of weird hair
And it’s on my legs now as well
You’re freaking me out
Do you want me to come get you? Or tell the nurse?
No! I’ll run home
Ok let me know
It’s gearing harder ti type
om is all ovr my body
Is this some sort of weird joke
Come on
You’re scaring me!
I’m calling your home I don’t care this is freaky
Hello Emily? This is Susanna, Samantha’s mother
Hi Mrs. Noble! I was just calling your house
Oh that was you. I just wanted to check if Samantha was in school with you.
I heard something in her room but she’s not here and not picking up her phone.
She’s not in school, she was just going home. I think something happened to her.
Oh god what happened? Is she ok?
I don’t know. She should be home by now.
She’s not in her room. All I found was a very bright caterpillar on her bed. Did you girls skip school again?
No...I mean she did.
Don’t worry, I know all about it. I let her do it because I think it’s ok for her to go to the woods here and there.
Oh. She was so afraid you’d find out.
But where is she? I went to the woods to see if she’s there, but nothing.
I don’t know what happened Mrs. Noble, I’m sorry.
Oh god. I’ll call the police.
Ok. What happened to the caterpillar?
I set it down in the woods and it immediately twisted into a circle.
Wait what? Oh no...