by EJ Leonard
Toby, I’m trapped under rubble at the Hilton in San Pedro
I think a nearby building might collapse soon
Please tell me you’re alive
I can’t talk, my battery is low
What happened!?
The ground shook, then, I don’t know, something hit the building
Are you hurt??
I think my legs are broken
Did you call 911?
They said they are on their way, but they had to hang up
They said too many people are calling in
Alex and I are on our way
Please hurry
There’s nothing about an earthquake on the internet
I don’t think it was an earthquake
Do you think it was a terrorist attack?
No, it was something else
Like what?
I only caught a glimpse of it
You won’t believe me
Try me
My eyes might’ve been playing tricks on me
I don’t get what you’re saying
Tell me what you saw
I don’t know, it was the underneath of it, I think
It had these scales, it looked huge
Okay, you’re fucking with me
What are you trying to tell me Godzilla attacked your work?
Why are you really having me drive out there
I knew you wouldn’t believe me
You know lying to get my attention is getting on my last nerve, right?
You’re having me drive to San Pedro, because why?
I’m telling you the truth Toby! I NEED YOUR HELP
I can barely breathe!
But you can text
I shoved my arm through the hole
Please. Help
Okay, I believe you, we’re doing the best we can
How long did 911 say they’d be
I don’t know
Is the bridge moving at all??
You were right
You see it???
Two of them rose out of the water
They’re over 100 feet tall, it was just standing at the back of the bridge
One slammed its tail down and smashed it, cars went flying
Alex and I ran
Everybody is running now
Are you on my side of the bridge?
Yes, we’ll keep running toward you
What if there are more of them??
Don’t worry about that right now
And I’m sorry I doubted you!
Please get me out of here!
Oh my god, I feel tremors again
Just stay calm
What are they??
I don’t know
911 just got here
Oh good, we’re still coming that way
Hopefully there were only two, it looked like they were headed to Long Beach
I still feel the tremors though like something is coming
What are the rescue workers doing
Two men are pulling away the big pieces
My legs Toby…I don’t know how I’ll make it out
They hurt so bad
You’re going to get through this
The tremors are getting heavier
I don’t see it though
Maybe it’s walking on the sea floor
I don’t know, but just hold tight
They just ran away!
The rescue workers! THEY RAN AWAY
Oh my God, Toby, I can hear it
It just made this horrible noise
I heard it too
But the good news is, that means I’m close
We’re going to get you out of there
I’m going to die, Toby!
None of us are going to die today, you hear?
We just took some bikes, we’re going to be there soon
How far are you?
It looks like we’re two or three miles away
Just hold on, don’t make noise
I can hear people screaming
Nobody knows I’m here, but you
Which is why we’re coming to get you
I feel like I’m having a heart attack
Can you see it?
Is it near me?
Don’t worry about that
It is, isn’t it
Just hold tight
Toby, I need you to tell my parents I said goodbye
Not when you can say hello yourself
And don’t tell me you’re in love with me, because that will just make things awkward when we’re safe
Don’t come down here until it’s gone
We’re coming anyway and almost there
We’re rounding the south side
We’ll all die
Don’t say that
Thanks for trying, Toby
It will go away
I feel more tremors
It knocked me off the bike, I’m on foot
How many??
I have not looked up
Oh my God
There’s an army of them
You have to turn around
I don’t think it matters
We’re all going to be gone no matter where I turn
I’m still going to try
I can almost see the place you took the picture of
Put your hand out
I’m doing it!
I see it!!
Hold tight
Oh my God, that noise
It saw me
How do you know
I know
Anna, I love you