Two Lies and the Truth - Episode 1
by Alyssa Lerner
Come on Bianca!
You can do this!
You can break up with her.
Can I though? Because…hear me out:
Maybe I can’t.
Rachel grabs her best friend’s shoulders.
Look at me.
Bianca groans and lifts her head to meet Rachel’s eyes.
You’re gonna knock on this door—
No, you’re going to smash it down!
And you’re gonna tell Sierra that she’s not worth your time anymore.
Bianca winces.
I don’t want to hurt her.
Do I really need to remind you how badly she’s treated you??
Bianca winces again—
All the nights she spent in Sierra’s bed…
Sierra hogging all the blankets—
Leaving Bianca shivering.
All the conversations she and Sierra shared…
Sierra babbling endlessly—
So Bianca couldn’t get a word in edgewise.
And then the big one:
When she walked into Sierra’s dorm room…
And caught Sierra in bed…
With another girl.
Bianca’s face falls…
And Rachel squeezes her hand.
Trust me. I’m your best friend…
I know what’s good for you.
Bianca looks back up and takes a deep breath.
Okay. You’re right.
I’ll wait for you around the corner.
Bianca nods…
Then steps forward and knocks on Sierra’s door.
The door flies open, revealing Sierra, a toothbrush dangling from her mouth.
Hey babe! What are you doing here?
Bianca gives Rachel one last worried glance…
Before stepping into the dorm suite.
Sierra’s already in the bathroom…
Spitting toothpaste into the sink.
I wanted to chat with you about something.
Why didn’t you call?
I have to head to work in a few.
Sierra rushes around, grabbing her things.
I was just in the area.
Are you okay? You look like you have a stomachache.
Um. I guess I sort of do.
You should try chamomile tea. It’s really soothing.
Well it’s not just that…
I have something on my mind.
Maybe try jogging then?
That always helps me when I’m stressed.
No — I-I’m not happy.
Sierra slides on a jacket…
Then breaks into a smile.
I know what will make you feel better!
Let’s go to that stoplight party tonight.
Stoplight party?
You know, those parties where you wear green if you’re single, yellow if it’s complicated, and red if you’re taken?
And you look so great in red.
Sierra wraps her arms around Bianca’s neck.
Bianca takes another determined breath.
Um — I don’t think that would be—
Come on! I’m your girlfriend…
I know what’s good for you.
Sierra, I really need to—
I won’t take no for an answer.
Sierra kisses Bianca on the forehead, and then heads for the door.
Lock up on your way out!
And just like that, she’s gone.
Bianca rubs her forehead…
What the h*** just happened?
She trudges into the hallway…
And Rachel’s right there waiting.
She practically jumps Bianca, engulfing her in a hug.
I’m so proud of you!!
You did it!!
Then Rachel registers Bianca’s crestfallen face.
Sorry, I got ahead of myself…
Are you okay? How’d it go?
Bianca hesitates, unsure of what to say.
Not great.
Well breakups never go well.
But you did it, and that’s all that matters.
You’re free!
I didn’t really…do anything.
Rachel puts an arm around Bianca.
Give yourself more credit—
— Women never give themselves enough credit—
You need to say, “I did this!” And be proud.
Actually, I didn’t—
I saw her walk by and she didn’t even look SAD.
I mean, the nerve of that girl!
I’m so glad you’re done with her. My god.
Like, who STAYS with someone like that?
I’m glad you finally have some self-worth.
Bianca looks down, embarrassed.
Yeah. Totally.
Rachel suddenly stops and whirls toward Bianca.
We need to celebrate.
I don’t really feel like celebrating.
Let’s go to that stoplight party tonight!
Green is seriously your color anyway.
Bianca’s heart jumps into her throat.
Actually, I think I’m…busy.
Don’t make up fake excuses…I can see right through you.
We’re going!
Well, I think Sierra’s going to be there and I don’t really want to, uh, see her.
Even better! Let her see you move on!
Come on! I’m your best friend—
— And you know what’s good for me.
Yeah, I’ve heard.
Later that night
Bianca stands over her open dresser drawer…
Staring at two shirts:
One red…
One green.
She furrows her brow, thinking…
While Rachel fixes her hair in the mirror, decked out in a green dress.
You haven’t decided what to wear yet?
Bianca quickly shuts her drawer.
I don’t have any green!
Are you sure? I thought you did.
Bianca turns around and rummages through her closet…
Until she finds what she’s looking for.
She slips it on, then turns to show Rachel.
She’s wearing an equally red and green Christmas sweater.
You’re wearing…that?
Rachel raises her eyebrows.
Yeah. It’s cute, right?
I get cold anyway, so…
People are going to be confused.
They won’t know what color you’re wearing…
OR your relationship status.
I mean, I just went through a breakup…
I don’t really want people trying to hit on me.
Yeah. You’re right. I’m just glad we’re going.
I can’t wait to see the look on Sierra’s face when she sees you.
The girls grab their makeup bags, then exit their dorm room…
And walk into the community dorm bathroom.
Another girl, Mel, is inside brushing her teeth.
Hey Mel.
Mel waves, her mouth full of toothpaste.
Rachel turns back to Bianca.
I mean, Sierra’s gonna flip right?
It’s going to be so awesome.
Rachel and Bianca start applying their makeup.
I’m so glad you’re finally single.
Mel sneaks a glance at Bianca, her interest suddenly piqued.
Bianca meets her gaze in the mirror, and Mel looks away quickly.
We get to party and go out just the two of us!
Rachel rifles through her makeup bag.
Shoot — I need a different eyeliner. Be right back!
She rushes out of the bathroom.
Just then, Bianca’s phone vibrates with a call from: “Sierra ❤️”
Mel glances at the phone…
And raises an eyebrow when she sees the caller ID.
Mel puts up both of her hands, as if in surrender.
None of my business.
Bianca answers the phone.
She cringes and turns away from Mel…
Who smiles, finding this all too amusing.
Yeah, I’ll be there tonight…I found something red to wear.
Rachel’s coming too.
Just so you know, I’ll be hanging out with her mostly.
And before you say it, no, she doesn’t hate you!
I’ll see you tonight.
Bianca squeezes her eyes shut as she hangs up the phone—
Knowing how this must sound to Mel.
You’re single now, eh?
Can you not?
I’m just saying it’s an interesting way to be single.
If you say anything I swear I’ll…I’ll…
Bianca fumbles trying to come up with something menacing.
Mel just laughs.
I don’t think you’ll have time to do anything to me—
You’ll be too busy salvaging your relationships.
I’m going to think of a really good threat in about five minutes.
Is that so? Well then you can tell it to me tonight.
You’re going to the party, too?
I was on the fence about it…
But now I have to see how this all plays out.
Mel smiles mischievously as she leaves the bathroom.
Alone, Bianca lets out a groan…
It’s going to be a long night.
Later that night
Bianca and Rachel stand in the front yard of a small house.
Music is bumping and tons of partygoers mill around—
Everyone wearing red, yellow, or green.
Bianca’s eyes search the front porch.
Are you looking for Sierra?
Bianca scoffs.
You totally were—
But you can stop doing that now!
You’re a strong, independent woman.
Yep…that’s me.
As soon as they step inside the house, Bianca scans the crowd for Sierra…
And clocks her standing in the kitchen chatting with friends.
No matter what happens, Sierra and Rachel *cannot* interact tonight.
Bianca grabs Rachel and pulls her into the living room.
The room is packed…
Everyone dancing as some frat guy DJs.
Rachel shouts over the music:
Dance floor already?
Yeah, why not!
Rachel shrugs and starts dancing.
Suddenly, she gasps and points toward a girl in a jean jacket.
You should go talk to that girl!
I’ll be your wing-woman.
What’s the best way to get over someone?
Not by doing this.
— You get *under* someone new.
Before Bianca can stop her, Rachel calls out to the girl:
Panicked, Bianca slaps her hand over Rachel’s mouth.
I’m gonna go get us drinks. Okay?
She makes her way over to a table covered in half-empty booze bottles…
And starts making two drinks.
Is one of those for me?
Bianca turns to find Mel smirking at her.
Bianca rolls her eyes…
But can’t help smiling at the twinkle in Mel’s eyes.
No. This is for me, and this is for Rachel.
Hey babe!
Bianca whirls around just as Sierra saunters up to her.
Weird party outfit.
It was the only red I had.
Sierra shrugs and takes one of the drinks out of Bianca’s hand.
Mel winks at Bianca and disappears into the crowd.
You wanna go dance?
Bianca anxiously looks around to find Rachel still dancing and chatting with the jean-jacket girl.
Oh god no.
Uh, alright, strong reaction.
How about we go hang out on the porch?
Um…I’ll meet you there.
I…have to pee.
Sierra shrugs and heads toward the porch.
Once Sierra is out of sight…
Bianca rushes back to the table and pours another drink for Rachel.
She brings it over to the dance floor…
And hands Rachel the drink.
Took you long enough!
Bianca, this is Lena.
Rachel ignores the icy glare that Bianca throws her…
As Lena introduces herself.
Bianca awkwardly waves.
Nice to meet you.
Rachel gestures to Bianca’s outfit.
I’m sure Lena is wondering what color you’re wearing—
— It was the only red I had.
I mean green! Green. I get confused, sometimes.
Excuse us for a moment!
Bianca grabs Rachel and pulls her into a corner.
I told you I didn’t want to talk to anyone tonight!
I know, but I thought you would really like her if you just tried!
Bianca stares daggers into Rachel.
You need to try new things B!
That’s what being single is all about.
No, I don’t! I just—
Don’t leave her hanging!
Rachel, of the two of us, I’m pretty sure she’s not interested in the one wearing a Christmas sweater.
Rachel furrows her brow in confusion.
What are you talking about?
Rachel looks over to find Lena staring at her…
And her alone.
Lena winks.
Oh. Oops.
Outside on the porch, Sierra downs the last of her drink.
Annoyed, she stands in the doorway, scanning the crowd for Bianca.
Bianca spots Sierra looking for her…
And backs away from Rachel and Lena.
I’m going to use the bathroom…I’ll be right back.
She practically runs off the dance floor…
And into a seemingly-empty bedroom.
She shuts the door and collapses against it, closing her eyes and letting out a deep sigh.
Life of lies going well?
Bianca jumps—
She had no idea anyone else was in here.
She turns to see Mel sitting on the bed, scrolling through her phone.
Oh, come on!
I just wanted one second alone.
Mel smiles and rests her hand on her chin.
Me too! I hate parties.
Okay let’s just…sit in silence then.
I need to think.
Bianca takes off her jacket and slumps down on the bed next to Mel.
Has anyone ever told you how bossy you are?
Bianca snorts.
No. Bossy is the *last* thing I am.
If I were bossy, I wouldn’t be in this situation.
Well, you’re pretty bossy with me.
You’re just the only one who listens to me.
Have you tried telling them the truth?
Of course I have!
Mel raises an eyebrow of skepticism.
Bianca softens.
Well, sort of…
I should probably try again.
Yeah, probably.
I’m just scared — I don’t want to disappoint either of them.
If you live your life afraid of disappointing other people…
You’ll only ever disappoint yourself.
Bianca nods.
I know I need to tell them the truth. But not here.
I need to get them to my dorm. And then I’ll say everything I need to say.
Bianca rests her head on her knees…
And Mel puts a comforting hand on her back.
What does one do when their life implodes?
Asking for a friend.
Well, tell your friend they can always call me…
I’m a great listener.
Bianca sits back up, smiling at Mel…
Then she takes a deep breath.
Time to be brave.
Mel salutes her, then smirks.
Bianca smiles back, then walks out of the bedroom.
She peers out from the hallway to the dance floor…
And her heart stops…
As she sees Sierra making her way toward Rachel.